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Soviet History Lessons Research Library

makes the following press articles available to journalists and researches. Please address all enquiries to Alissa Ordabai:

  1. Report from Russia, by Philip Ben, The New Republic, June 27, 1964.

  2. Why It Pays To Be Mad in Russia, by Valery Tarsis, The Gazette (Montreal, Canada), March 7, 1966. 

  3. Mr. Tarsis denounces Moscow sentences as inhuman, The Times, February 16, 1966.

  4. Another Writer Arrested? By Our Diplomatic Staff, The Guardian (London, UK), February 17, 1966. 

  5. Three Soviet Writers Go On Trial, by Associated Press, Wilkes Barre Times (Pennsylvania), August 30, 1967. 

  6. Soviet Writer Admits Protest Planning, by Associated Press, Alabama Journal, August 31, 1967. 

  7. Soviets Jail Three Writers, by Associated Press, Daily Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster, PA), August 31, 1967. 

  8. Soviet Holds Secret Trial of Three Writers, by Reuters, The Baltimore Sun, August 31, 1967.

  9. Three Years in Jail for Russ Hippie, by UPI, Oakland Tribune, September 1, 1967. 

  10. Three years for protest in Moscow, by Kyril Tidmarsh, The Times, September 2, 1967.

  11. Russ Author Draws Three Years for Protest, by UPI, The Los Angeles Times, September 2, 1967.

  12. Three Soviet Poets Sentenced For Freedom Demonstration, by Associated Press, Express and News (San Antonio), September 2, 1967.

  13. Poet Sentenced, by Associated Press, The Austin American, September 2, 1967. 

  14. Three Soviet Poets Sentenced for Freedom Demonstration, by Associated Press, The San Antonio Express News, September 2, 1967. 

  15. Free Speech Soviet Poet Is Sentenced, by Associated Press, The Shreveport Times, September 2, 1967. 

  16. Author Who Fought for Freedom, Daily Mirror (United Kingdom), September 2, 1967. 

  17. Protester Gets Jail in Russia, by UPI, The Miami Herald, September 3, 1967. 

  18. Soviet “Hippie” Plans Appeal, by UPI, The Honolulu Star Bulletin, September 3, 1967.

  19. CIA Accused of Ghosting Mrs. Alliluyeva’s Memoirs, by Associated Press, The Baltimore Sun, September 4, 1967. 

  20. Soviets Secretly Try Members of Underground, by Thomas M. Brown, UPI, Greenville Advocate, September 6, 1967. 

  21. Socialist Humanism, by Irene Corbally Kuhn, Shenandoah Evening Herald, November 11, 1967.

  22. Two Writers and the Public, by David Burg, The Washington Post / Los Angeles Times Service, The Windsor Star, November 23, 1967.

  23. Russ Writers, by David Burg of the London Sunday Times, Austin American Statesman (Texas), November 27, 1967. 

  24. Soviet Writers Jailed for Honoring Freedom’s Poet, by Mark Gayn of Chicago Daily News, The Boston Globe, December 8, 1967. 

  25. Four Dissident Russians Go on Trial Monday on Slander Charges, by UPI, The Philadelphia Inquirer, December 10, 1967. 

  26. Russian Defied Secret Police, by Associated Press, Times Colonist, December 27, 1967.

  27. Russian Intellectual Defies Police, by the The York Times Service, Honolulu Star Bulletin, December 27, 1967. 

  28. Russian Chemist Defies Soviet Security Police, by the New York Times News Service, The Gazette and Daily (York, Pennsylvania), December 27, 1967.

  29. West Gets Record Of Secret Trial, by the New York Times, Times Democrat, (Davenport-Bettendorf, Iowa), December 27, 1967.

  30. Grandson of Former High Red Tells of Secret Police Warning, by Associated Press, The Amarillo Globe Times, December 27, 1967. 

  31. Purge Victim Hits Magazine, by Associated Press, The Leader Post, (Regina, Sask.), December 27, 1967.

  32. Russian, York Daily Record, December 27, 1967. 

  33. Litvinov’s Grandson Gives West Report on Soviet Literary Trial, by the New York Times News Service, St. Louis Post Dispatch, December 27, 1967.

  34. Litvinov’s Grandson Sends Trial Transcript to West, The Honolulu Star Bulletin, December 27, 1967. 

  35. Free speech plea smuggled from Russia, The Times, December 28, 1967.

  36. Russ Police Beating of Writer Told: Grandson of Former Foreign Minister Describes Incident, The Los Angeles Times, December 28, 1967.

  37. Beating of Writer in USSR Claimed, by Associated Press, Ashbury Park Evening Press (New Jersey), December 28, 1967. 

  38. Russian Defies Police, The Sydney Morning Herald, December 29, 1967. 

  39. Litvinov’s Grandson Criticizes Red Trial, by Associated Press, The El Paso Times, December 29, 1967.

  40. "Организационные проблемы движения за полное и всеобщее разоружение и мир во всём мире", Автор: Юрий Галансков, журнал "Грани", номер 64, 1967 год. 

  41. "Мировая печать о 'Фениксе 1996' и арестах молодых литераторов в Москве", журнал "Грани", номер 64, 1967 год. 

  42. Владимир Буковский -- Рассказы: Аквариум. Звёзды. Деревенька. Человечек. Один бестолковый вопрос доктору. Звонарь. Журнал "Грани", номер 65, 1967 год. 

  43. Dissent and Punishment, by Peter Grose, Honolulu Star Bulletin, January 1, 1968. 

  44. "На Костылях", журнал "Возрождение", январь 1968.

  45. Right to Criticize Pleaded by Defendant in Court, The Province, January 4, 1968. 

  46. Moscow Moves for Release of Detained Authors, Birmingham Daily Post (United Kingdom), January 5, 1968. 

  47. The Mockery in Moscow, The Boston Globe, January 10, 1968.

  48.  Soviet writers given heavy sentences: Trial denounced as “wild mockery”, by Kyril Tidmarsh, The Times, January 13, 1968. 

  49. Free Speech, Red Style, Desert News, January 18, 1968. 

  50. The Angry Young Russians, by Edward Crankshaw, The London Observer, UK, reprinted in The Courier Journal, January 21, 1968.

  51. Soviets Have Dissidents, Too, by John Chamberlain, Meriden Journal, February 9, 1968.

  52. These Days, by John Chamberlain, Shamokin News Dispatch (Shamokin, Pennsylvania), February 9, 1968. 

  53. Kremlin’s Limits, by John Chamberlain, The Tyler Courier Times, February 11, 1968. 

  54. Trial of Young Russian Writers Attests to Ferment in Soviet Union, by Isaac Don Levine, The Los Angeles Times, reprinted in The Town Talk, February 11, 1968.

  55. First Amendment Freedoms Still Unknown in Soviet Bloc, The Charlotte Observer, February 20, 1968. Soviet Cold Snap, The Evening Times, February 23, 1968. 

  56. Reds Cite Spock in U.N. Exchange, by William N. Oatis, Associated Press Writer, Battle Creek Enquirer, March 7, 1968. 

  57. Goldberg Attacks Soviet on Writers, by Associated Press, The Arizona Republic, March 7, 1968. 

  58. Stalinist Retreat, Lincoln Journal Star, March 10, 1968. 

  59. Honest Capitalism Alone Can Defeat Communism, The Free Trader, London, UK, reprinted in Bucyrus Telegraph Forum, March 12, 1968. 

  60. Soviets Arrest 3 Britons For Passing Out Leaflets, by UPI, The Press Democrat, June 17, 1968. 

  61. Russians Seize Three Britons in Moscow, by C. F. Melville, Birmingham Daily Post (United Kingdom), June 18, 1968. 

  62. Russ Seize 3 Britons Passing Out Leaflets, by UPI, Chicago Tribune, June 18, 1968. 

  63. Our Secret Allies, The Oklahoma City Times, July 19, 1968. 

  64. The Writer as Russia’s Conscience, Time magazine, September 27, 1968. 

  65. Maxim Litvinov’s Grandson to be Tried for Czech Protest, by UPI, The Arizona Republic, October 7, 1968.

  66. Red Slate Trial for Litvinov, by UPI, The Miami Herald, October 9, 1968. 

  67. Changes ‘Up to My Generation’, Says Litvinov, by Richard C. Longworth, by UPI, Lansing State Journal, October 16, 1968.

  68. Peace and Power, by Zbigniew Brzezinksi, Encounter magazine, November 1968.

  69. The Fall of Prague, by Kai Hermann, Encounter magazine, November 1968.

  70. Red General Hits Soviet Tyranny, by Henry Kamm, The New York Times News Service, The Tennessean, November 15, 1968. 

  71. The Price of Getting out the Truth, Daily Mirror (United Kingdom), December 23, 1968. 

  72. Покушение у Боровицких Ворот. Русский ответ на самосожжение Яна Палах, журнал "Посев", февраль 1969.

  73. Dissident Intellectuals: Views from Moscow, by Donald D. Barry, Survey, A Journal of Soviet and East European Studies, Winter - Spring 1969.

  74. Russ Dissidents: Mental Hospital Used as Weapon: Evidence Indicates Regimes Thus Avoids Public Trials for Enforcing Conformity, by Richard Reston, the Los Angeles Times, May 31, 1969. 

  75. Protesting Soviet Poet Held in Mental Hospital, Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, June 1, 1969. 

  76.  Insanity: Soviet Word For Bucking The System, from the Los Angeles Times, St. Petersburg Times (St. Petersburg, Florida), June 1, 1969. 

  77. Leaders of exiled Tatars on trial, The Times, July 22, 1969. 

  78. V. Boukovski devant ses juges, Esprit magazine (France), November 1969. 

  79. Review of ‘The Demonstration in Pushkin Square’, the Independent (Long Beach, California), December 18, 1969. 

  80. Who Killed the Student Revolution? by Robert Nisbet, Encounter magazine, February 1970.

  81. Black, red and white, by David Martin, Encounter magazine, February 1970. 

  82. What Future for Soviet Power? By Zbigniew Brzezinksi, Encounter Magazine, March 1970.

  83. The Ideology of Violence, by Sidney Hook, Encounter magazine, April 1970.

  84. Soviet Union Also Has Dissident Element, by Associated Press, The Lawton Constitution and Morning Press (Lawton, Oklahoma), May 17, 1970. 

  85. Russian Dissident Describes Ordeal of Prison, Asylums, Chicago Tribune (Chicago Illinois), May 17, 1970. 

  86. He Speaks Out For Dissent in Soviet Union, by Holger Jensen, Associated Press Writer, The Miami Herald (Miami, Florida), May 17, 1970. 

  87. Russian Dissident’s Notes From Underground, by Holger Jensen, Associated Press, Daily News (New York), May 17, 1970. 

  88. Young Russian Dissident Tells The Price He Paid, by Associated Press, The La Crosse Tribune (La Crosse, Wisconsin), May 17, 1970. 

  89. A Russian Who Fights the Soviet System, by Associated Press, The San Francisco Examiner (San Francisco, California), May 17, 1970. 

  90. Young Soviet Dissenter, The Press and Sun Bulletin (Binghamton, New York), May 17, 1970. 

  91. Soviet Life Not Easy for Vladimir: Plenty of Prison Time Built by Critic of Inequities in the U.S.S.R., by Holger Jensen, Associated Press Moscow correspondent, Fort Worth Star Telegram (Fort Worth Texas), May 17, 1970. 

  92. Dissident Russ Student Spends Six of 27 Years Locked Up, by Holger Jensen, Associated Press Moscow correspondent, The South Bend Tribune (South Bend, Indiana), May 17, 1970. 

  93. Despite Persecution, Soviet Rebel Refuses To Accept Communist Life, by Holger Jensen, Associated Press Moscow correspondent, May 17, 1970. 

  94. Soviet Dissident Tells His Rather “Ordinary” Story, by Associated Press, the Post Crescent (Appleton, Wisconsin), May 17, 1970. 

  95. Soviet Rebel Currently Free, But Fearing Arrest, by Holger Jensen, Associated Press, the News and Observer (Raleigh, North Carolina), May 17, 1970. 

  96. A New Art Form, the Arizona Republic, June 16, 1970. 

  97. The Wretched State of the Russian Soul, by James F. Clarity, the San Francisco Examiner, June 28, 1970. 

  98. Inflammatory Tract: Soviet Bill of Rights, by Charles F. Ransom, the Des Moines Register (Des Moines, Iowa), July 1, 1970. 

  99. Russians Tell of Repression in Special Film, The Shreveport Journal (Shreveport, Louisiana), July 24, 1970. 

  100. Tonight’s Previews, Philadelphia Daily News, July 28, 1970. 

  101. Smuggled Tapes Tell of Soviet Repression, by Associated Press, the Los Angeles Times, July 28, 1970. 

  102. Soviets Tell of Prison Torture, by Associated Press, the Arizona Republic, July 28, 1970. 

  103. Smuggled Tapes Tell of Red Jail Torture, Associated Press, the Province, July 28, 1970. 

  104. Russian Dissent, an editorial, the Indianapolis News, July 30, 1970.

  105. "Духовное убийство", Выступление А. Солженицына, журнал "Посев", июль 1970.

  106. "В спецлечебнице КГБ", Наталья Горбаневская, журнал "Посев", июль 1970.

  107. "О пересмотре карательной политики", Юрий Галансков, июль 1970.

  108. Secret Film Inside Russia, the Sydney Morning Herald, July 30, 1970. 

  109. The Incredible Story of Resistance in Russia, by Chalmers M. Roberts, Longview Daily News, July 31, 1970. 

  110. Russia’s Free, Untrammeled Spirits, the Kansas City Star, July 31, 1970. 

  111. Voices From Russia Say Quest for Freedom Lives, by Chalmers Roberts, Washington Post, the Charlotte Observer, August 4, 1970. 

  112. Cole Calls His Interviews From Russia ‘Dead Story’, by Associated Press, Hope Star, August 5, 1970. 

  113. White Says TV Gave Americans View of Oppression in USSR, by Richard White, the Indianapolis Star, August 6, 1970. 

  114. U.S. Hears Rare Voices of Soviet Dissent, Boston Sunday Globe, August 16, 1970. 

  115. “Show Soviet Union a Free Man - They’ll Put Him Away”, Torbay Express And South Devon Echo (United Kingdom), September 1, 1970. 

  116. Up From Russia’s Underground, the Miami Herald, September 28, 1970.

  117. Mental Hospitals Russia’s New Political Jails, by Abraham Brumberg,Times Colonist, November 12, 1970. 

  118. Mental Hospitals ‘Cure’ Soviet Dissent, by Abraham Brumberg, the Sacramento Bee, November 22, 1970.Pravda Rips Dissidents as Lying Rascals, Associated Press, the Corpus Christi Caller Times (Corpus Christi, Texas), December 17, 1970.

  119. Bitter Soviet Attack on Solzhenitsyn, The Guardian, London, UK, December 18, 1970.

  120. Dissent in Russia, by Anthony Astrachan, Los Angeles Times - Washington Post Service, The Courier Journal, December 20, 1970. 

  121. Dissent Buys a Padded Cell, by Alan Dean of Copley News Service reporting from London, Daily News Post, December 24, 1970. 

  122. Growing Dissent Poses Dilemma for Kremlin, by Thomas W. Ottenad, St. Louis Post Dispatch, December 27, 1970. 

  123. Zbigniew Brzezinski: What Future for Soviet Power?, Encounter magazine, March 1970. 

  124. Kremlin Acts Against Dissidents, by Anthony Astrachan, the Guardian (London, UK), April 3, 1971. 

  125. Soviet Jews Tell of Killings, by Victor Zorza, the Guardian, (London, UK), April 3, 1971. 

  126. Red Rebel Faces 7 Years, by UPI, Daily News, April 3, 1971. 

  127. Russians Grab State Dissenter, the Province, April 6, 1971. 

  128. West Psychiatrists Urged to Help Russ Rebels, by Dusko Doder for the the Washington Post, the Capital Times, April 7, 1971. 

  129. Moscow Writer Leaves Record Of Interrogation, by Roger Leddington, Associated Press, the Times (Shreveport, Louisiana), April 11, 1971. 

  130. How Soviets Deal With Dissent, by Roger Leddington, Associated Press Writer, Florence Morning News (Florence, South California), April 11, 1971. 

  131. Writer’s Account Recalls Interrogation for ‘Libel’, by Roger Leddington, Associated Press, the Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma), April 11, 1971. 

  132. Inside the Soviets’ Mousetrap: A Dissenter Speaks Out, by Roger Leddington, Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), April 11, 1971. 

  133. Captive Soviet Writer Leaves Record of His Interrogation, by Roger Leddington, the Bridgeport Post (Bridgeport, Connecticut), April 11, 1971. 

  134. Russian Dissenters “Efficiently” Handled, by Roger Leddington, Associated Press, the South Bend Tribune (South Bend, Indiana), April 11, 1971. 

  135. Secret report of interrogation left by Soviet writer, by Associated Press, Minneapolis Tribune, April 11, 1971. 

  136. Words of Defiance by a Soviet Writer, by Roger Leddington, Associated Press, the Kansas City Times, April 12, 1971. 

  137. A Russian Dissident Recalls Interrogation, by Roger Leddington, Associated Press Writer, Florida Today (Cocoa, Florida), April 18, 1971. 

  138. Mini-Moscow Rally Contrasted With Huge One in Washington, by Frank Starr, Chicago Tribune, 25 April 1971.

  139. Soviet KGB Questions Two Western Newsmen: Two Reporters Puled In For Information Concerning Well-Known Russian Dissidnet, by Harry Trimborn, the Los Angeles Times, September 18, 1971. 

  140. Two Western Newsmen Quizzed by Secret Police in Moscow, by James Yuenger, Chief of Moscow Bureau, Chicago Tribune, September 18, 1971. 

  141. Moscow Mother’s Plea: Son Not a “Madman”, by UPI, Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), October 4, 1971. 

  142. Mother of Soviet “Rebel” Calls for Aid to Save Him, by Associated Press, the Vancouver Sun, October 4, 1971. 

  143. Mother Pleads for Gaoled Son, Birmingham Daily Post (United Kingdom), October 4, 1971. 

  144. Russ Asylum Stay For Writer Scored, by Associated Press, the San Francisco Examiner, October 5, 1971. 

  145. Detention of Soviet Intellectual Protested, by the New York Times News Service, Rutland Daily Herald (Rutland, Vermont), October 6, 1971. 

  146. Ask Russ Asylum to Free Writer, by Associated Press, Chicago Tribune, October 6, 1971. 

  147. Soviet Scientists Ask Release of Dissenter, by UPI, the Palm Beach Post, October 6, 1971. 

  148. With Insane Asylums Like This, Who Needs Prisons? By Hedrick Smith, Meriden Journal, October 11, 1971. 

  149. Soviet Poet Aids Defense Of Colleague, by Associated Press, Arizona Daily Star, October 12, 1971. 

  150. Soviet group’s plea to psychiatrists, The Times, October 23, 1971.

  151. Russian Dissident Trial Ordered, by Associated Press, the Vancouver Sun, November 10, 1971. 

  152. Dissident Ruled Sane in Moscow: Incommunicado Since September, by Associated Press, the News Journal, November 10, 1971. 

  153. Bukovsky Ruled Sane, Faces Trial, by Associated Press, the San Francisco Examiner, November 10, 1971. 

  154. Russian Dissident Ruled Sane, by Associated Press, the Miami Herald, November 11, 1971. 

  155. Russ Dissident Judged Sane, Friends Report, by Associated Press, the Los Angeles Times, November 11, 1971. 

  156. Russian Rebel Termed Sane, To Face Trial, by UPI, the Tampa Tribune, November 11, 1971. 

  157. Hear Russ Dissident Bukovsky Is Ruled Sane, Will Face Trial, by James Yuenger, Chicago Tribune, November 11, 1971.

  158. Mother Asks Soviet Help, by Associated Press, the Herald News, December 9, 1971. 

  159. Podgorny’s Aid Sought For Writer, by Associated Press, the Miami Herald (Miami, Florida), December 10, 1971.

  160. Plea for son by Russian Mother, by Associated Press, the Kansas City Times, December 10, 1971.

  161. “Honest Lawyer” Retained To Help Soviet Dissident, by Associated Press, the Miami Herald, December 28, 1971.

  162. "Суд неправый. Приговор террористический. В.К. Буковского осудили на 12 лет". Журнал "Посев", январь 1972. 

  163. "Права человека - основа мира на земле. Голубой флаг над Мордовией". Журнал "Посев", январь 1972.

  164. "Мексика: Бремя на совести психиатров. V Всемирный конгресс психиатров", журнал "Посев", январь 1972. 

  165. Письмо Солженицына адвокату Хеебу, журнал "Посев", январь 1972. 

  166. "Поминальное слово", А. Солженицын, журнал "Посев", январь 1972. 

  167. Letter from Germany: Is our Society Disintegrating? by Marion Doenhoff, Encounter magazine, January 1972.  

  168. Russian’s Plea, Birmingham Daily Post (United Kingdom), January 3, 1972. 

  169. “Torture” of dissidents in Russian hospitals, by David Bonavia, The Times, January 3, 1972. 

  170. Why One Soviet Became a Dissident, by Frank Starr, Chicago Tribune, 6 January 1972.

  171. Bukovsky sentence shocks Russians, by David Bonavia, The Times, January 6, 1972.

  172. Bukovsky Convicted in Swift Moscow Trial, the Los Angeles Times, January 6, 1972. 

  173. L’ecrivain Bukovsky est juge a Moscou, Le Monde (France), January 6, 1972. 

  174. Soviet Activist Bukovsky Given Seven-Year Sentence, by Associated Press, Daily Press (Newport, Virginia), January 6, 1972. 

  175. Soviets Convict ‘Rebel’, by Associated Press, The Times Record (Troy, New York), January 6, 1972. 

  176. Bukovsky Convicted in Swift Moscow Trial, the Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California), January 6, 1972. 

  177. Role of KGB in Bukovsky case, the Times, January 6, 1972.

  178. Moscow Court Gives Dissident Stiff Sentence, by Peter J. Shaw, UPI, the Miami Herald, January 6, 1972. 

  179. Gaol and then exile for Soviet dissident, by AAP-Reuter, the Age (Melbourne, Australia), January 7, 1972. 

  180. Russian Society “Still Sick”, Birmingham Daily Post (United Kingdom), January 8, 1972. 

  181. Defiant Bukovsky told court that spiritual enlightenment of Soviet society has begun, by David Bonavia, The Times, January 8, 1972.

  182. The high price of intellectual freedom, The Times, January 10, 1972.

  183. Vladimir Bukovsky’s Crime, the Charlotte News, January 10, 1972. 

  184. Profile of Bukovsky: The Dissident in Russia, by Anthony Astrachan, the Washington Post, the Austin American (Austin, Texas), January 13, 1972. 

  185. Le KGB en blouse blanche, by Roger Dadoun, La Quinzaine Litteraire (France), January 15, 1972. 

  186. Soviet Literary Maverick Still Battling ‘Public Fear’, by Anthony Astrachan, the Los Angeles Times-Washington Post, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, Texas), January 16, 1972. 

  187. Jailed Soviet Still Has Hope, by Anthony Astrachan, Washington Post Moscow Correspondent, Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), January 16, 1972.

  188. Soviet Woman Battling for Retrial of Son, by Associated Press, the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Alabama), February 17, 1972. 

  189. Bukovsky Case Stirs Plea to U.N., by Associated Press, Honolulu Star Bulletin, January 22, 1972. 

  190. Soviet Dissidents Protest Trial to U.N. Chief, by Associated Press, the Miami Herald, January 23, 1972. 

  191. Challenge to big brother, by Abraham Brumberg, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), January 26, 1972. 

  192. The trial of Vladimir Bukovsky, by professor Maurice Cranston and others, The Times, January 31, 1972.

  193. The Bukovsky case, by Dame Peggy Ashcroft, The Times, February 2, 1972.

  194. How Soviet justice dealt with a dissident, by David Bonavia, The Times, February 7, 1972.

  195. ‘Trial’ Reveals Mockery Of Justice in Soviet Union, by William L. Ryan, Associated Press, the Austin American (Austin, Texas), February 24, 1972. 

  196. Le Vrai Visage de Vladimir Boukovsky, by Arkady and Dmitry Stolypin, Ecrits de Paris magazine (France), April 1972. 

  197.  Boukovsky en proces, by Andre Martin, Etudes magazine (France), April 1972. 

  198. Dissension in Russia blamed on West, by David Bonavia, The Times, April 7, 1972. 

  199.  The Seeds Of Discontent, by Charlotte Saikowski, The Christian Science Monitor News Service, Daily Independent Journal (San Rafael, California), April 29, 1972. 

  200. KGB steps up its campaign against dissidents, the Times, June 13, 1972.
  201. "Григоренко под угрозой гибели", Юрий Штейн, журнал "Посев", сентябрь 1972.

  202. "Арест Якира - не начало и не конец", журнал "Посев" сентябрь 1972.

  203. "Вы же нормальный..." Письма В. Борисова из больницы, журнал "Посев", сентябрь 1972. 

  204. Galanskov: Ce Rimbaud russe mort dans un camp, by Philippe Bernert, L’Aurore (France), November 12, 1972. 

  205. How “Hooligan” Died of Non-Sickness, by Stephens Broening, Associated Press, the Miami Herald, November 13, 1972. 

  206. Abuse, Death of Imprisoned Soviet Poet Revealed, The Times (United Kingdom), November 13, 1972. 

  207. The Death of a Russian Poet — the Consequences of Free Thought, the Shreveport Times (Shreveport, Louisiana), November 25, 1972. 

  208. Remembering Three Teachers, by Adam Ulam, Encounter magazine, December 1972.

  209. Helsinki Notebook, by Eugene Ionesco, Encounter magazine, December 1972.

  210. A Voice Out Of Russia, by Jay Axelbank, the Observer (London, United Kingdom), December 3, 1972.

  211. Russia’s political asylums, by Bernard Levin, The Times, June 12, 1973

  212. Cries for help that go unheeded, by Bernard Levin, The Times, June 14, 1973. 

  213. Imprisoned in Russia, by Heinrich Boell and David Carver, The Times, July 13, 1973.

  214. Solzhenitsyn speaks of threats against his life, The Times, August 29, 1973. 

  215. Police Threatening Me, Russian Writer Claims, by Frank Crepeau, Associated Press, the Miami Herald, August 29, 1973. 

  216. Dissident spurns freedom offer, by William L. Ryan, Associated Press, the Park City Daily News (Bowling Green, Kentucky), October 5, 1973. 

  217. Soviet Writer Rejects Freedom For Silence, by William L. Ryan, Associated Press, Alabama Journal, October 5, 1973. 

  218. Freedom Rejected, by William L. Ryan, Associated Press, Spokane Daily Chronicle (Spokane, Washington), October 5, 1973. 

  219. Imprisoned Writer Won’t Vow Silence, by William L. Ryan, Associated Press, The Miami Herald (Miami, Florida), October 6, 1973. 

  220. Dissident Won’t Sell His Silence, by William L. Ryan, Associated Press, Fort Lauderdale News and Sun-Sentinel, October 7, 1973. 

  221.  A Question of Madness, by David Spark, Birmingham Daily Post (United Kingdom), October 8, 1973. 

  222. Sakharov demande a Pompidou d’intervenir pour Bukovsky, L’Aurore (France), January 30, 1974. 

  223. Unofficial Russia, by Karel van het Reve, Encounter magazine, February 1974.

  224. From Mao and Marcuse to Marx, by Klaus Mehnert, Encounter magazine, February 1974.

  225. Дмитрий Дудко, "Письмо митрополиту Филарету". Журнал "Посев", март 1976.

  226. Интервью психиатра Ю.А. Новикова "Посеву". Журнал "Посев", март 1976.

  227. Н. Вехин, "Диссиденты во Флоренции". Журнал "Посев", март 1976.

  228. Vladimir Bukovsky, by Harold Pinter, The Times, March 22, 1974. 

  229. Russ Rebel’s Mom Offers Life for Son, by Associated Press, Austin American-Statesman (Austin, Texas), March 24, 1974.

  230. Mom in Plea for Rebel, by Associated Press, Daily News (New York, New York), March 25, 1974.

  231. The Right to Dissent: a photographic record of the men and women of the Soviet Union who dare to speak out against the system, by Peter Reddaway and Jonathan Steele, the Sunday Times Magazine (United Kingdom), April 14, 1974. 

  232. Dissident dying in jail, by UPI, The Pocono Record (Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania), April 17, 1974.

  233.  Nina Bukovsky, mother of imprisoned Soviet dissenter Vladimir Bukovsky, appealed to United States Senator Edward Kennedy, Red Deer Advocate (Red Deer, Alberta, Canada), April 24, 1974. 

  234. Soviet repression: Western scientists are now at a crossroads of conscience, by Bernard Levin, The Times, May 7, 1974. 

  235. Help! by Vladimir Nabokov, the Observer (London, United Kingdom), May 26, 1974. 

  236. Vladimir Maximov Interview, Encounter magazine, June 1974.

  237. Russian Dissident Plans Hunger Strike, by Associated Press, the Times (San Mateo, California), June 28, 1974. 

  238. Nixon and Brezhnev Sign Nuclear Pact, Aberdeen Evening Express (United Kingdom), June 29, 1974. 

  239. I’ll Starve Says Russian H-Bomb Man, Daily Mirror (United Kingdom), June 29, 1974. 

  240. Resistance even the Russians will find it difficult to crush, by Bernard Levin, The Times, July 23, 1974. 

  241. How Soviet resistance has become a fine art, by Bernard Levin, The Times, September 25, 1974. 

  242. The man who upped the price of detente, by Bernard Levin, The Times, October 23, 1974

  243. Soviet Dissident Reported Ill, by Associated Press, the Des Moines Register (Des Moines, Iowa), November 26, 1974. 

  244. Two Soviet prisoners write handbook for dissidents, by Associated Press, Chicago Tribune, December 26, 1974. 

  245. Bukovsky: an act of betrayal, by G. A. Low-Beer, Consultant Psychiatrist, Horton Hospital, Epsom, Surrey, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), February 6, 1975. 

  246. Speaking about the unspeakable in Moscow, by Bernard Levin, The Times, February 12, 1975. 

  247. Vladimir Bukovsky, by Peter Hall, The Times, February 13, 1975. 

  248. Buffooneries that would not amuse Mr. Shelepin’s victims, by Bernard Levin, The Times, March 6, 1975.

  249. Bukovsky must not die! by Amnesty International and the Bay Area Council on Soviet Jewry, the San Francisco Examiner, April 20, 1975. 

  250. "Как это начиналось", Автор: Варлам Шаламов, "Новый журнал", июнь 1975 г. 

  251. Nina Bukovsky, mother of Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, says she visited her son in a prison camp in the Urals and he appeared pale and thin but cheerful. By Star-Telegram Wire Services, Fort Worth Star Telegram (Forth Worth, Texas), June 10, 1975. 

  252. Russia dissident cheerful: mother, by Associated Press, the Ottawa Citizen (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada), June 11, 1975. 

  253. Jailed Dissident Reported Cheerful, Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio), June 19, 1975. 

  254. Will British psychiatrists take action against the torturers of the Soviet Union?, by Bernard Levin, the Times, July 3, 1975.

  255. Solzhenitsyn: Poison darts from among the pygmies, by Bernard Levin, The Times, July 17, 1975. 

  256. A criminal abuse of psychiatry, The Times, July 22, 1975. 

  257. Reds Reduce Activist’s Rations, Springfield Leader and Press (Springfield, Missouri), August 19, 1975. 

  258. Russian dissident to diet, by Associated Press, Austin American-Statesman (Austin, Texas), August 20, 1975. 

  259. Dissident put on hunger punishment, Birmingham Daily Post (United Kingdom), August 20, 1975. 

  260. Activist on ‘strict regime’, The Gazette (Montreal, Quebec, Canada), August 20, 1975. 

  261. Rations Reduced, by Associated Press, El Paso Times (El Paso, Texas), August 20, 1975.

  262. Dr. Sakharov: Awesome courage that its tyranny in the dock, by Bernard Levin, The Times, September 24, 1975. 

  263. In detail, Amnesty’s guide to the vileness of Russia’s camps, by Bernard Levin, November 18, 1975. 

  264. The Strange Case of Whittaker Chambers, by Sidney Hook, Encounter magazine, January 1976.

  265. The Russian Nightmare, Daily Mirror (United Kingdom), February 23, 1976. 

  266. Solzhenitsyn in Zurich: An Interview, Encounter magazine, April 1976

  267. Some Days In The Life Of Vladimir Bukovsky, by Penny Valentine, Street Life newspaper (United Kingdom), March 20 - April 2, 1976. 

  268. Russia: Vladimir Bukovsky, by David Watts, June 14, 1976.

  269. Bukovsky: Is truth a crime to be punished by death?, by Bernard Levin, the Times, June 25, 1976.

  270. L'Agonie d'un dissident sovietique. Le combat exemplaire de Vladimir Boukovsky, by Thierry Wolton, Liberation, July 9, 1976.

  271. Plight of Bukovsky, by Lord Avebury, the Times, July 16, 1976.

  272. Soviet dissident will never break, mother says, the Times, August 6, 1976.

  273. Writers beg Mr. Brezhnev to set Bukovsky free, the Times, August 26, 1976. 

  274. Jailed Soviet writer looks like “Auschwitz prisoner”, the Times, August 30, 1976. 

  275. L’Envol Des Canards Sauvages: Quel rapport entre Boukosky, dissident soviétique interne et les prolétaires de Saint-Nazaire? by Pierre Joffroy, Liberation, September 17, 1976. 

  276. Two memorials to the courage and the agony of Poland, by Bernard Levin, September 21, 1976.

  277. Jailed dissident is refused improved diet, the Times, September 24, 1976. 

  278. A marriage has been arranged, as part of a Soviet dissident’s “punishment”: Dr. Marina Volkhanskaya and her son Misha, by Bernard Levin, the Times, October 1, 1976. 

  279. Pour Boukovski et Les Autres. Plouchtch a la Mutualité: “Il n’y a pas de difference entre tous ces regimes”, Liberation (France), October 22, 1976.

  280. Le meeting sur Boukovski: Les sovietiques condamnent le PC Français, Liberation, October 24, 1976.  

  281. Vladimir Bukovsky, by David Markham, The Stage (United Kingdom), October 28, 1976. 

  282. Chile agrees to trade leftist for Mr. Bukovsky, The Times, November 15, 1976.

  283. Ho visto l'agonia di Bukovsky, by E. Giuffredi, Gente magazine, 22 November 1976. 

  284. Leonid Plyushch: life in a Soviet “psycho-prison”, by Caroline Moorehead, the Times, November 27, 1976. 

  285. Soviets to release man, by Reuter, The Windsor Star (Windsor, Ontario, Canada), December 17, 1976. 

  286. Soviet dissident, Chilean traded, by Reuter, Calgary Herald (Calgary, Alberta, Canada), December 17, 1976. 

  287. Russ Dissident to Be Traded for Chilean, by Robert C. Toth, the Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California), December 18, 1976. 

  288. Soviets exchange a dissident for Chilean Communist chief, by UPI, The Californian (Salinas, California), December 18, 1976. 

  289. Soviet, Chile said to trade two prominent dissidents, the Baltimore Sun (Baltimore, Maryland), December 18, 1976. 

  290. Leaving Russia, the Herald (Jasper, Indiana), December 18, 1976. 

  291. Prisoner swap OK’d by Russia, by UPI, the Billings Gazette (Billings, Montana), December 18, 1976. 

  292. Professor Relates Soviet Mother’s Story, by Terese Karmel, Hartford Courant (Hartford, Connecticut), December 18, 1976. 

  293. U.S.S.R. Freeing Dissident, by UPI, Hartford Courant (Hartford, Connecticut), December 18, 1976. 

  294. Russia, Chile to Swap 2 Political Prisoners, by Associated Press, Daily News (New York), December 18, 1976. 

  295. Freedom for a Russian Rebel, by Frederick Wills, Daily Mirror (United Kingdom), December 18, 1976. 

  296. A Swiss Walk to Freedom, Liverpool Echo, December 18, 1976. 

  297. Political Swap by Chile, USSR, by D&C Wire Services, Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), December 18, 1976. 

  298. Bukovsky Glad To Be Free After 11 Years, by the New York Times News Service, Daily Press (Newport News, Virginia), December 19, 1976. 

  299. World pressure helped free Bukovsky, by Gebert A. Lewthwaite, The Baltimore Sun (Baltimore, Maryland), December 19, 1976. 

  300. Chile trades prisioner for Soviet dissident, by Associated Press, the Arizona Republic, December 19, 1976. 

  301. Chilean Communist, Soviet Dissident Swapped, by Associated Press, Pensacola News Journal (Pensacola, Florida), December 19, 1976. 

  302. Soviet Dissident Gains Freedom in Exchange, by Herald Wire Services, the Miami Herald, December 19, 1976. 

  303. Russian dissident swapped for Chilean, by UPI, the Press Democrat (Santa Rosa, California), December 19, 1976. 

  304. Soviet Dissident, Chilean Exchanged, by UPI, The Scrantonian Sun, December 19, 1976. 

  305. Soviets Swap Dissident Author For Chilean, by Victor Lusinchi, Rutland Daily Herald (Rutland, Vermont), December 19, 1976.Exchange made; political prisoners rest in new lands, by Associated Press, The Honolulu Advertiser (Honolulu, Hawaii), December 19, 1976. 

  306. Chile, Soviet Union swap prisoners in Swiss airport, combed from Associated Press, UPI wires, St. Petersburg Times (St. Petersburg, Florida), December 19, 1976. 

  307. Prisoners Swapped in U.S.-Aided Deal, by Associated Press, The Orlando Sentinel (Orlando, Florida), December 19, 1976. 

  308. Russia, Chile Officials Make Prisoner Exchange, by UPI, The Hays Daily News (Hays, Kansas), December 19, 1976. 

  309. Soviets, Chile exchange prisoners, by Associated Press, Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, Wisconsin), December 19, 1976. 

  310. U.S. Greased Prisoner Swap, by UPI, Kingsport Times-News (Kingsport, Tennessee), December 19, 1976. 

  311. Soviet Dissident, Red Swapped, by Jose Torres, Associated Press, The Tennessean (Nashville, Tennessee), December 19, 1976. 

  312. Soviet, Chilean exiles exchanged, by Associated Press, Corsicana Daily Sun (Corsicana, Texas), December 19, 1976. 

  313. Russian, Chilean swapped, by UPI, the Argus Sun (Fremont-Newark, California), December 19, 1976. 

  314. Dissident Bukovsky Freed, by Associated Press, The Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Alabama), December 19, 1976. 

  315. Soviet Dissident Exchanged, by UPI, Alexandria Daily Town Talk, December 19, 1976. 

  316. Security Tight at Political Prisoner Swap, by Victor Lusinchi, the New York Times writer, the Salt Lake City Tribune, December 19, 1976. 

  317. High noon exchange on Zurich tarmac, by Peter Hulm, the Observer, December 19, 1976. 

  318. Political prisoners exchanged, by Associated Press, Sunday Telegram (Elmira, New York), December 19, 1976. 

  319. Boukovski-Corvalan reviennent des entres, Liberation (France), December 19, 1976.

  320. Soviets, Chile swap prisoners, by UPI, Tallahassee Democrat, December 19, 1976. 

  321. L'echange Corvalan-Boukovski: "Lamentable" commente Georges Marchais, Le Journal du Dimanche, December 19, 1976. 

  322. Bukovsky to fight Soviet repression, by UPI, The Greenville News (Greenville, South Carolina), December 20, 1976. 

  323. Bukovsky attacks Soviet maneuver, by Associated Press, The Lincoln Star (Lincoln, Nebraska), December 20, 1976. 

  324. Boukovski: “Dans notre prison, c’était pire depuis les accords d’Helsinki”,  by Jean Laborde, L’Aurore (France), December 20, 1976. 

  325. Battle of wits starts after prisoner swap, by Hella Pick and Gareth Parry, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), December 20, 1976. 

  326. Bukovsky feels like ‘prisoner on holiday’, by Reuter, The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts), December 20, 1976. 

  327. Soviet dissident says conditions worsened in prisons after Helsinki accord, by Associated Press, the Morning Record (Meriden, Connecticut), December 20, 1976. 

  328. Le “Troc” Humain Condamne: Apres la liberation de Boukovsky et Corvalan, La Nouvelle Republique (France), December 20, 1976. 

  329. Mr. Bukovsky sees new hope for other prisoners, the Times, December 20, 1976. 

  330. Bukovsky Says Life Rougher After Helsinki Agreement, by Associated Press, Asbury Park Press (New Jersey), December 20, 1976. 

  331. Bukovsky Denounces Soviet Conditions, by Associated Press, The Burlington Free Press (Burlington, Vermont), December 20, 1976. 

  332. Bukovsky Blasts Helsinki Pact, by Hanns Neuerbourg, Associated Press, the Tennessean, December 20, 1976. 

  333. Russian Vladimir Bukovsky Tells Of Soviet Prison Conditions, by Associated Press, Hobbs Daily News (Hobbs, New Mexico), December 20, 1976. 

  334. Helsinki Pact Hurt Prisoners: Bukovsky, by Associated Press, Green Bay Press-Gazette (Wisconsin), December 20, 1976. 

  335. Dissident Reports: Helsinki Accord Hurt Prisoners, by Associated Press, Spokane Daily Chronicle (Spokane, Washington), December 20, 1976. 

  336. Helsinki Agreement made life harder for Soviet prisoners, by Associated Press, Corsicana Daily Sun (Corsicana, Texas), December 20, 1976. 

  337. Vladimir Bukovsky: Human Rights Fighter Slaps Soviet Union, by Associated Press, the York Dispatch (York, PA), December 20, 1976. 

  338. Russian Tells Of Hard Prison Life, by Associated Press, the Sacramento Bee, December 20, 1976. 

  339. Bukovsky vows to do battle for rights in Soviet Union, from news services, the Berkshire Eagle (Pittsfield, Massachusetts), December 20, 1976. 

  340. Freed Soviet Activist Vows To Aid Others, by Associated Press, Clarion Ledger (Jackson, Mississippi), December 20, 1976. 

  341. Freed Soviet Inmate Says Pact Tough in Prisons, by Associated Press, the Leavenworth Times (Leavenworth, Kansas), December 20, 1976. 

  342. Freed Soviet Dissident Lashes Reds’ Policies, by Combined Dispatches, Daily News (New York), December 20, 1976. 

  343. Dedicates Life To Human Rights, by UPI, the Hanford Sentinel (Hanford, California), December 20, 1976. 

  344. Treatment worse after Helsinki: Bukovsky, by Associated Press, the Leader Post (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada), December 20, 1976. 

  345. Rights Pact Hurt Soviet Prisoners? By Associated Press, the Charlotte Observer, December 20, 1976. 

  346. Political Prisoner Trade May Force Castro To Swap Longtime Jailed Foe, the Charlotte Observer, December 20, 1976. 

  347. Dissident Pair Freed In Negotiated Swap, by Associated Press, Panama City News Herald (Panama City, Florida), December 20, 1976. 

  348. Soviet Dissident Says USSR Still Feels West Its Enemy, by Associated Press, the Danville Register (Danville, Virginia), December 20, 1976. 

  349. Prisoners in the Kremlin, Daily Mirror (United Kingdom), December 20, 1976. 

  350. Freed Dissident is “Emaciated”, Birmingham Daily Post (United Kingdom), December 20, 1976. 

  351. “Que souhaitez-vous a Brejnev pour son 70eme anniversaire? D’être échangé contre Pinochet” declare Boukovski libre, a Zurich, by Thierry Wolton, Liberation, December 20, 1976. 

  352. Nephew Holds up Bukovsky, by Reuter, the Birmingham Post (United Kingdom), December 21, 1976. 

  353. Bukovsky champion parries press, The Times, December 21, 1976.

  354. Poetic welcome for Corvalan, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), December 22, 1976. 

  355. Soviet Jews detained at symposium, by Hella Pick, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), December 22, 1976. 

  356. Apres Boukovski-Corvalan: Madame Claustre Echangee Contre Le Tueur De L’Oise, Charlie Hebdo (France), December 23, 1976. 

  357. Boukovski S’ Adresse a Vous, Liberation (France), December 23, 1976. 

  358. Bukovsky - New Terror Claim, Birmingham Daily Post (United Kingdom), December 28, 1976. 

  359. Dice Bukovsky que luchara por libertad de Matos, por Luis Munoz, UPI, El Miami Herald, December 24, 1976. 

  360. Communist View on Prisoner Swop, West Lothian Courier (United Kingdom), December 24, 1976. 

  361. Inside report of Russia’s brutal camps, by UPI, the San Francisco Examiner, December 26, 1976. 

  362. Exile: Inmate Protesters Suffer, by UPI, the Miami Herald, December 26, 1976. 

  363. Friends of rebel suffer, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), December 28, 1976. 

  364. Russian’s Family Can Stay7, Daily Mirror (United Kingdom), December 28, 1976. 

  365. Dissident tells of Soviet prison life, by Associated Press, St. Joseph Gazette (St. Joseph, Missouri), December 29, 1976. 

  366. The Lonely Campaigners Who Freed Vladimir Bukovsky, The Guardian (London, United Kingdom), December 29, 1976. 

  367. Writer seeks asylum, The Lincoln Star (Lincoln, Nebraska), December 31, 1976. 

  368. Boukovski et le Procureur. Un document qui montre a quel point la justice russe ignore les libertes, Paris Match, December 31, 1976.

  369. The Kremlin takes revenge, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), December 31, 1976. 

  370. Vladimir Bukovsky Seeks New Home, The Missoulian (Missoula, Montana), January 2, 1977.

  371. Dissident in London, The Orlando Sentinel (Orlando, Florida), January 4, 1977. 

  372. Freed Russian Flies in With Thanks, Aberdeen Evening Express (United Kingdom), January 4, 1977. 

  373. The freed Soviet dissident, Vladimir Bukovsky, flew to a frosty London today praising “the great British tradition of democracy and freedom”, Liverpool Echo (United Kingdom), January 4, 1977. 

  374. Bukovsky to discuss abuse, Florida Today (Cocoa, Florida), January 5, 1977. 

  375. Dissident Trio are Accused by TASS, Birmingham Daily Post (United Kingdom), January 5, 1977. 

  376. Soviet rebel arrives, by Hella Pick, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), January 5, 1977. 

  377. Soviets mistreat political prisoners, says dissident, by UPI, Edmonton Journal (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), January 5, 1977.

  378. Un Entretien Avec M. Vladimir Boukovski. Le problème des détenus politiques est indivisible et universel, Le Monde (France), January 5, 1977.  

  379. Vladimir’s way with the Kremlin, by Hella Pick, The Guardian (London, UK), January 6, 1977. 

  380. Bids to debrief Bukovsky, by Hella Pick, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), January 6, 1977. 

Soviet History Lessons Research Library is a member of the American Library Association (College and Research Libraries Division) and the New York Library Association. It is currently in possession of the following book titles, available to researchers and journalists. More titles are in the process of being acquired. Please refer all enquires to


Avtorkhanov, Abdurakhman. (1968). The Communist Party Apparatus. Meridian Books, Cleveland and New York. 


Ackerman, Galia; Courtois, Stephane. (Eds). (2022). Le Livre Noir de Vladimir Poutine. Robert Laffont, Paris. 


Amalrik, Andrei. (1970). Involuntary Journey to Siberia. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book. Harecourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., New York. 


Amalrik, Andrei. (1970). L'Union soviétique survivra-t-elle en 1984? Traduit du russe par Michel Tatu. Préface de Alain Besançon. 

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Amalrik, Andrei. (1982). Notes of a Revolutionary. Uncorrected Proof. Alfred A. Knopf, New York.


Amalrik, Andrei. (1982). Notes of a Revolutionary. Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., New York. 


Amalrik, Andrei. (1970). Will the Soviet Union Survive Until 1984? Harper & Row, New York.  


Amarasuriya, Harini; Kelly, Tobias; Maunaguru, Sidharthan; Oustinova-Stepanovic, Galina; Spencer, Jonathan (Eds.) (2020). The Intimate Life of Dissent: Anthropological Perspectives. UCL Press, London.


American Federation of Labor and Congress of of Industries Organizations.  (1975). Solzhenitsyn: The Voice of Freedom. Washington, D.C. 


Amster, Gerald; Absell, Bernard. (1986). Transit Point Moscow. Kensington Publishing Corporation, New York


Amstutz, Bruce J. (1986). Afghanistan: the First Five Years of Soviet Occupation. National Defense University, Washington, D.C. 


Amnesty International Report. (1980). Prisoners of Conscience in the USSR: Their Treatment and Conditions. Printed by Hogbin, Poole (printers), Sydney, Australia. 


Applebaum, Anne. (2018). Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. 

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Applebaum, Anne. (2003). Gulag. The Penguin Group. 

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Astrouskaya, Tatsiana. (2019). Cultural Dissent in Soviet Belarus (1968 - 1988): Intelligentsia, Samizdat and Nonconformist Discourses. Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden.

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Atbashian, Oleg. (2018). Hotel USSR: Memoirs of A Soviet "Non-Artist". Self-published.


Axelrad, Albert. (1987). Refusenik Voices of Struggle and Hope. Wyndham Hall Press, Bristol, IN. 


Bacon, Edwin. (1994). The Gulag at War: Stalin's Forced Labour System in the Light of the Archives. Macmillan, London. 


Baier, Bret; Whitney, Catherine. (2018). Three Days in Moscow: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of the Soviet Empire. William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.  


Baigell, Renee, Baigell, Matthew. (1995). Soviet Dissident Artists: Interviews after Perestroika. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 

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Baran, Emily. (2014). Dissent on the Margins: How Soviet Jehovah's Witnesses Defied Communism and Lived to Prech About It. Oxford Univesity Press.


Barghoorn, Frederick. (1976). Detente and the Democratic Movement in the USSR. The Free Press, a division of Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc. New York - London.  

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Barghoorn, Frederick. (1964).  Soviet Foreign Propaganda. Princeton University Press.


Barmine, Alex. (2017). One Who Survived: The Life of a Russian Under the Soviets. Eschenburg Press. 

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Bassiouni, Cherif; Savitski, V. (Eds). (1979). The Criminal Justice System of the USSR. Charles C. Thomas Publishers, Springfield, Illinois, USA.


Beamish, Tufton; Hadley, Guy. (1979). The Kremlin's dilemma: The struggle for human rights in Eastern Europe. Presidio Press, Novato, Calif. 


Beck, F.; Godin, W. (1951). Russian Purge and the Extraction by Confession. The Viking Press. 


Belton, Catherine. (2020). Putin's People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took On the West. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York. 


Beria, Sergo. (1999). Beria, My Father: Inside Stalin's Kremlin. Duckworth, London.

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Berson, Robin Kadison. (1999). Young Heroes in World History. GreenwoodPress, Westport, Connecticut. (Includes chapter on Vladimir Bukovsky).

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Besancon, Alain. (1994). The Falsificatin of the Good: Soloviev and Orwell. The Claridge Press, London.


Besancon, Alain. (1994). The Forbidden Image: An Intellectual History of Iconoclasm. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.


Besançon, Alain. (1981). The Rise of the GULAG: Intellectual Origins of Leninism. Continuum, New York. 


Besançon, Alain. (1978). The Soviet Syndrome. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York. 


Besançon, Alain (1968). Psychoanalysis: Auxiliary Science or Historical Method? Journal of Contemporary History. 

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Bethell, Nicholas. (1995). Spies and Other Secrets. Penguin Group. (Includes chapter on Vladimir Bukovsky).


Bloch, Sidney, Reddaway, Peter. (1978). Dissident oder geisteskrank? Mißbrauch der Psychiatrie in der Sowjetunion. Piper, München. Vorwort Wladimir Bukowski.


Bloch, Sidney, Reddaway, Peter. (1977). Russia’s Political Hospitals. Hutchinson of Australia in conjunction with Victor Gollancz Ltd., London. Introduction by Vladimir Bukovsky. 


Bloch, Sideny; Reddaway, Peter. (1984). Soviet Psychiaric Abuse. Victor Gollancz Ltd., London.


Boekovski, Vladimir. (1979). Kasteel Tussen Vier Muren: Uit Het Leven Van Een Russisch Dissident. Spectrum, Utrecht / Antwerpen.

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Böll, Heinrich. (1983). Über Wladimir Bukowski, “Dieser sprechende Schmerz der Freiheit”. In Feindbild und Frieden: Schriften und Reden 1982-1983. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, München.


Bonavia, David. (1973). Fat Sasha and the Urban Guerilla: Protest and Conformism in the Soviet Union. Atheneum, New York. 

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Boobbyer, Philip. (2005). Conscience, Dissent and Reform in Soviet Russia. Routledge, London & New York. 


Boukovski, Vladimir. (1991). La Union Sovietica: De la Utopia al Desastre. Arias Montano Editores, Madrid.  


Boukovski, Vladimir. (1979). Lettre ouverte a M. Francis Ronalds, Directeur de Radio Liberty.  In Continent: Smrkovski, Sakharov, Goerling, Groudzinkski, Boukovski. Editions Gallimard, Paris. (Letter written in 1976). 


Boukovski, Vladimir. (1971). L’Aquarium, Les Etoiles, Le Petit Village, Un minus, Une question incoherente posée au docteur, Le Sonneur. In Revel, Jean-Francois (Ed). Literature Russe Clandestine. Albin Michel, Paris. (Stories written in 1962 and 1966). 


Boukovski, Vladimir, Fertilio, Dario, Courtois, Stéphane. (2007). Mémento Goulag : Mémoire et jugement du communisme. Editions Cujas, Paris. 

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Boukovski, Vladimir. (1990). URSS: de l’utopie au desastre. Robert Laffont, Paris.  


Boukovski, Vladimir. (1990). URSS : de l'utopie au désastre. Hachette, Paris.  

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Boukovsky, Vladimir. (1981). Cette lancinante douleur de la liberté. Edition du Club France Loisirs, Paris. 

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Boukovsky, Vladimir. (1981). Cette lancinante douleur de la liberté. Coedition Robert Laffont - Opera Mundi, Paris. 

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Boukovsky, Vladimir. (1981). Cette lancinante douleur de la liberté. Coedition Robert Laffont - Opera Mundi, Paris. 


Boukovsky, Vladimir. (1982). Essa Lancinante Dor Da Liberdade: Cartas de um resistente russo aos Ocidentais. Moraes Editores, Portugal. 

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Boukovsky, Vladimir. (1978). …et le vent reprend ses tours. Coeditions Robert Laffont - Opera Mundi, Paris. 

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Boukovsky, Vladimir. (1978). …et le vent reprend ses tours. Editions du Club France Loisirs, Paris, avec l’autorisation des editions Robert Laffont et d’Opera Mundi. 

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Boukovsky, Vladimir. (1995). Jugement a Moscou. Robert Laffont, Paris.


Boukovsky, Vladimir. (1982). Les pacifistes contre la paix: Nouvelle lettre aux Occidentaux. Robert Laffont, Paris. 


Boukovsky, Vladimir. (2005). L’Union européenne, une nouvelle URSS? Editions du Rocher, Monaco. 


Boukovsky, Vladimir. (1976). Uma nova doença mental na URSS: A oposicao. Coleccao Documentos. Fernando Ribeiro de Mello / Edições Afrodite, Barcelos. 

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Boukovsky, Vladimir. (1971). Une Nouvelle Maladie Mentale en URSS: L’Opposition. Editions du Seuil, Paris. 

381. Bukovsky enjoyed quiet, San Antonio Express News (San

          Antonio, Texas), January 8, 1977. 

382.Novelist Supports Protest Vigil, Kensington Post (United

         Kingdom), January 7, 1977. 

383. Refuge at Last for Bukovsky, Belfast Telegraph (United

          Kingdom), January 8, 1977. 

384. Bukovsky - Sakharov: A Question of Inner Freedom, by Andrew

          Wilson, the Observer, January 9, 1977. 

385. Liberation publie: Les notes de prison de Vladimir Boukovski, Liberation (France), January 11, 1977. 

386. No Contact with Soviets, Newcastle Evening Chronicle (United Kingdom), January 13, 1977.

387. Les Notes de Boukovski la medecine a la prison Vladimir, Liberation, January 13, 1977. 

388. “Deals with murderers” criticized, by Howard Underwood, the Times, January 14, 1977.

389. Ukrainian dissenters, by Vladimir Bukovsky, the Times, January 14, 1977.

390. Russian Rebel Lashes Big Jim, by Charles Lyte, Daily Mirror (United Kingdom), January 14, 1977. 

391. Public opinion frees dissenter, by Peter Worthington, The Star-Phoenix (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada), January 15, 1977. 

392. No more censorship for Bukovsky, by Sid Collins, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), January 15, 1977. 

393. Boukovski a Paris pour la Greve de la Faim des 30 Dissidents de Vladimir, by Thierry Wolton, Liberation (France), January 16, 1977. 

349. M.P. to Probe Bukovsky Snub, Newcastle Journal (United Kingdom), January 17, 1977. 

350. M.P.’s Claim, Aberdeen Press and Journal (United Kingdom), January 17, 1977. 

351. Bukovsky at Commons, Belfast Telegraph (United Kingdom), January 17, 1977. 

352. Bukovsky Protest, Birmingham Daily Post (United Kingdom), January 17, 1977. 

353. "Il faut aider ceux qui se battent pour les droits de l'homme en U.R.S.S." demande Boukovski aux intellectuels Francais, Le Nouvelle République, January 17, 1977. 

354. Les Yeux de Boukovski, L’Aurore (France), January 17, 1977. 

355. Switzerland has given asylum to the family of Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, Edmonton Journal (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), January 21, 1977. 

356. We Must Work Towards Democracy Here, Strathearn Herald, January 22, 1977. 

357. Boukovski demain a St. Nazaire. La rencontre d’une ville et des dissidents soviétiques. Dans le cadre de la creation collective du “Canard Sauvage” par Armand Gatti et la Tribu, Liberation (France), February 3, 1977. 

358. Vladimir Boukovski a St. Nazaire. "Le jour de la pensee rebelle", by Marc Kravitz, Liberation (France), February 4, 1977. 

359. Loud demands for human rights keep Soviet bloc rulers on hot seat, by Nicholas Carroll, the Gazette (Montreal, Canada), February 7, 1977. 

360. Pliouchtch et Boukovski a Saint-Nazaire. “La Loire salue la Kolima”, by Marc Kravetz, Liberation (France), February 7, 1977. 

361. Les notes de prison de Vladimir Boukovski, Liberation, January 12, 1977.

360. Les Notes De Boukovski. La Medicine a la Prison Vladimir, Liberation (France), January 13, 1977.

361. Les Notes de Prison de V. Boukovski, Liberation, January 14, 1977.

362. Bukovsky study, the Times, February 2, 1977.​

363. Mr. Vladimir Bukovsky, the Soviet dissident freed last year in exchange for Señor Luis Corvalan, the Chilean Communist leader, believes that Señor Corvalan would soon find himself in prison in Russia, “if he is an honest man”, the Times, February 7, 1977.​

364. Bukovsky Issues Writ, Newcastle Journal (United Kingdom), February 18, 1977. 

365. Soviets Protest, the Lexington Herald (Lexington, Kentucky), February 19, 1977. 

366. The Dissidents Challenge to Moscow, Time magazine, February 21, 1977. 

367. The New Confrontation, the Times, February 21, 1977. ​

368. Meeting with author postponed, Belfast Telegraph (United Kingdom), February 22, 1977. 

369. TASS launches Bukovsky attack, by Associated Press, Longview Daily News (Longview, Washington), February 24, 1977. 

370. Dissident Urges Trade-Rights Ties, The Los Angeles Times, The Charlotte Observer (Charlotte, North Carolina, February 24, 1977. 

371. Bukovsky Seeks Free World Aid in Russia, by UPI, the Republic (Columbus, Indiana), February 24, 1977. 

372. Bukovsky Urges “Relentless” U.S. Stand on Human Rights, by Oswald Johnston, the Los Angeles Times, February 24, 1977. 

373. U.S. Courting Criminals, Says Soviet News Agency, by UPI, the Star Express (Indiana), February 25, 1977. 

374. Bukovsky: Meany is ‘a rock of democracy’, by Wilfred C. Rogers, The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts), February 26, 1977. 

375. Bukovsky’s conference ends abruptly, by Pat Ordovensky, The Morning News (Wilmington, Delaware), March 1, 1977. 

376. President will meet Bukovsky, by Andrew J. Glass, Cox News Service, the Miami News, March 1, 1977. 

377. Vladimir Bukovsky's fight for harassed Jews, by Colin Shindler, Jewish Observer, March 1, 1977.

378. President Meeting With Ex-Convict From Russia, by Associated Press, the Indianapolis News (Indiana), March 1, 1977. 

379. Carter, Bukovsky review concept of human rights, by Associated Press, The Pantagraph (Bloomington, Illinois), March 2, 1977. 

380. Dissident Praises Carter Rights Stand, by Associated Press, The Orlando Sentinel (Orlando, Florida), March 2, 1977. 

381. President launches Friendship Force, Associated Press, Albany Democrat Herald, March 2, 1977. 

382. Photographers excluded from Carter-Bukovsky meeting, the Times, March 2, 1977.​

383. Bukovsky grateful to Carter, by Associated Press, Johnson City Press-Chronicle (Johnson City, Tennessee), March 2, 1977. 

384. ‘I’m A Free Man Inside. Bukovsky: Life Was Prisons, Insane Asylums’, by Associated Press, The Charlotte Observer (Charlotte, North Carolina), March 2, 1977. 

385. Carter receives Soviet dissident, The Billings Gazette (Billings, Montana), March 2, 1977.

386. Carter Keeps Low Key, by Raymond R. Coffey, Chicago Daily News, The Parsons Sun (Parsons, Kansas), March 2, 1977. 

387. Carter meets with Soviet dissident, by Associated Press, The Des Moines Register (Des Moines, Iowa), March 2, 1977. 

388. Bukovsky Lauds Carter’s Policy Of Pressuring Soviets On Rights, by the Associated Press, Fort Lauderdale News (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), March 2, 1977. 

389. Bukovsky: Near-Legend To Dissidents, by the New York Times News Service, Fort Lauderdale News (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), March 2, 1977. 

390. Bukovsky has brief meeting with Carter, by Associated Press, Stevens Point Journal (Stevens Point, Wisconsin), March 2, 1977. 

391. Carter meets dissident Bukovsky, by Associated Press, Arizona Daily Star (Tucson, Arizona), March 2, 1977. 

392. Dissident Bukovsky praises Carter after meet, by Associated Press, Portage Daily Register (Portage, Wisconsin), March 2, 1977. 

393. Dissident’s quiet White House visit, by Raymond R. Coffey, Chicago Daily News, The San Francisco Examiner (San Francisco, California), March 2, 1977. 

394. Carter greets Soviet exile, by the New York Times Service, Austin American Statesman (Texas), March 2, 1977. 

395.Bukovsky Lauds Carter Human Right Campaign, by Associated Press, Green Bay Press-Gazette (Green Bay, Wisconsin), March 2, 1977. 

396. Carter and Mondale Are Bukovsky’s Hosts, by UPI, Daily News (New York), March 2, 1977. 

397. Soviets terse on meeting between Carter, Bukovsky, by UPI, Greeley Daily Tribune (Greeley, Colorado), March 2, 1977. 

398. Soviet exile sees Carter, Modale at White House, by UPI, the Bangor Daily News (Bangor, Maine), March 2, 1977. 

399. Carter a Boukovski: “Salut, Je M’Appelle Jimmy Carter”, Libération (France), March 3, 1977. 

400. Bukovsky Is Hero To Russian Dissidents, by The New York Times News Service, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (St. Louis, Missouri), March 3, 1977. 

401. Jimmy Carter’s Not Timid — Or So He Says, by John Crown, the Atlanta Constitution, March 5, 1977. 

402. Bukovsky: A rebel from age 12, by Ludmilla Thorne, New York Times, the Des Monies Register, March 5, 1977. 

403. Ashbrook Meets Expelled Russian, the Coshocton Tribune, March 6, 1977. 

404. Meany takes on Soviet Union, by Marquis Childs, United Feature Syndicate, the Argus (East Moline, Illinois), March 8, 1977. 

405. Carter Gutsy To Meet Bukovsky, by John D. Lofton Jr., York Daily Record (York, Pennsylvania), March 9, 1977. 

406. No pictures exhibits timidity, by John D. Lofton Jr., The Clarksdale Press Register (Clarksdale, Mississippi), March 9, 1977. 

407. Carter shows off his mettle, by William A. Rusher, a Universal Press Syndicated columnist, The San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino, California), March 10, 1977. 

408. Carter’s discover of human rights, by William F. Buckley, Jr., St. Petersburg Times (St. Petersburg, Florida), March 10, 1977. 

409. Soviet dissenter Vladimir Bukovsky says unrestricted trade between the United States and the Soviet Union strengthens the “slavery’ of his people, The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts), March 11, 1977. 

410. Soviets caught by persistence of freedom: It’s like grass through concrete, by Paul Greenberg, Freelance Syndicates, the Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, Illinois), March 12, 1977. 

411. Carter Plays Both Sides With Bukovsky, by John D. Lofton, Jr., The Amarillo Globe-Times (Amarillo, Texas), March 14, 1977. 

412. Would You Stand up and be Counted? by Iris Murdoch, Daily Mirror (United Kingdom), March 15, 1977. 

413. The Visitor From Gulag, by Paul Greenberg, the Shreveport Journal (Louisiana), March 22, 1977. 

414. Mr. Vladimir Bukovsky, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), April 10, 1978. 

415. Time the West set a match to the Soviet powder train, by Bernard Levin, the Times, April 22, 1977. ​

416. Forced labor built Norilsk, by CP, the Leader Post (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada), May 9, 1977. 

417. Mr. Bukovsky poses choice on rights, by Craig Seton, the Times, May 9, 1977.​

418. How to change communists, the Times, May 10, 1977. ​

419. Carter’s human rights campaign hits Soviets but ignores China, Iran by Gwynne Dyer, the Gazette (Montreal, Canada), May 10, 1977. 

420. The Serbsky Treatment, by E. Fuller Torrey, Psychology Today magazine, June 1977. 

421. The Insanity In Russian Punishment, by Ludmilla Thorne, New York Times News Co., St. Louis Post Dispatch (St. Louis, Missouri), June 12, 1977. 

422. E. Germany Swaps 11 For Chilean Red, The Pittsburgh Press (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), June 20, 1977.  

423. If they would open their box, you wouldn’t have to wait for the rush, by Bernard Levin, the Times, June 29, 1977. ​

424. Psychiatrists urged to condemn abuses, by John Andrew, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), July 21, 1977.  

425. Russia Misuses Psychiatry as a Political Weapon, by Anthony Masters, Birmingham Daily Post (United Kingdom), July 23, 1977. 

426. Red Leader Visit, Reading Evening Post, August 11, 1977. 

427. Bukovsky plea to psychiatrists, the Times, August 13, 1977.​

428. Psychiatrists unite!, the Times, August 27, 1977.

429. Crossfire, Harrow Observer, August 30, 1977. 

430. Interview mit Wladimir Bukowsky, by E. Fuller Torrey, Psychologie Heute (Germany), September 1977. 

431. Mr. Carter listens to the march of history in his campaign for human rights, by David Cross, the Times, September 30, 1977. ​

432. Free Speech, by Peter Hillmore, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), November 3, 1977. 

433. Meany’s campaign, the Times, November 8, 1977. ​

434. This 15-second indictment of Soviet tyranny, by Bernard Levin, the Times, November 16, 1977. ​

435. Abuse of psychiatric medicine in Russia, by Times, November 19, 1977. ​

436. Soviet exile survives imprisonment, by Chicago Tribune Service, The Dispatch (Moline, Illinois), November 21, 1977. 

437. Mr. Bukovsky calls West bashful about exposing Soviet abuses, by Michael Leapman, the Times, December 20, 1977.

438. Food from the victors for famished friend and foe, New World magazine (Manchester, United Kingdom), 1978. 

439. A film on Mr. Bukovsky, by Aubrey E. Singer, the Times, February 2, 1978.​

440. McWhirter Prize for Reading Youth, Reading Evening Post (United Kingdom), February 16, 1978. 

441. A Current Assessment of Soviet-American Relations, by George F. Kennan, Encounter magazine, March 1978. 

442. Soviet Persent and Russian Past, by Alain Besancon, Encounter magazine, March 1978.

443. Solzhenitsyn's Children? by Melvin J. Lasky, Encounter magazine, March 1978. 

444. How Dr. Castro repaid his loyal comrade Huber Matos, the Times, March 15, 1978. ​

445. Russian exiles’ secret film, the Times, March 28, 1978.​

446. Mermaid Gets Tom Stoppard, The Stage (United Kingdom), April 20, 1978. 

447. Nuremberg Reconsidered, by Donald C. Watt, Encounter magazine, May 1978. 

448. Entriamo Nella Clinica Del Diavolo, by Juri Nobikov, Epoca magazine (Argentina), May 31, 1978. 

449. Cheers for Mr. Shcharansky outside the court, by Michael Binyon, the Times, July 12, 1978.​

450. Moscow Trials — Testing Carter, Newsweek magazine, July 24, 1978. 

451. Shcharansky exchange unlikely, by Michael Binyon, the Times, August 5, 1978.​

452. The Moscow Olympics, by Vladimir Bukovsky, August 14, 1978.​

453. Did the Belgrade Conference Make a Difference? A First-hand Report, by James Rudin, Christianity Today, August 18, 1978.

454. The Moscow Olympics, by Vladimir Bukovsky, August 22, 1978.

455. Czech Invasion Rally, Middlesex County Times (United Kingdom), August 25, 1978.

456. What the CIA Knows About Russia, by Lev Navrozov, Commentary Magazine, September 1978. 

457. Back to college: Vladimir Bukovsky, the Times, September 29, 1978.​

458. Poorer degrees warning by universities, by John Ezard, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), September 29, 1978. 

459. Nous, Dissidents, by Vladimir Bukovsky, Recherches magazine, October 1978.

460. Sleeping off the socialist palsy, by Frederik Whitehead, Birmingham Daily Post (United Kingdom), October 4, 1978.

461. Vladimir Bukovsky’s escape from insanity, by John Banks, the Times, October 7, 1978.​

462. Nous, dissidents by Vl. Boukovski, La Quinzaine, October 16-31, 1978.

463. ‘Life not so determined’ for exiled Russian, by Associated Press, The Kokomo Tribune (Kokomo, Indiana), November 13, 1978. 

464. Russian dissident returns to a life without steel bars, by Associated Press, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (Fort Worth, Texas), November 13, 1978. 

465. Life is Looking Better for Vladimir Bukovsky, by James R. Peipert, Associated Press Writer, the Times and Democrat (South Carolina), November 13, 1978. 

466. Soviet Dissident’s Siberia Trip Sidetracked, by Associated Press, the Tampa Tribune, November 13, 1978. 

467. Freedom Came Unexpectedly For One Soviet Dissident: Focus on Vladimir Bukovsky, by James R. Peipert, the Associated Press, the Atlanta Constitution, November 13, 1978. 

468. Russian dissident building new life, by Associated Press, The Arizona Republic (Phoenix, Arizona), November 14, 1978. 

469. Soviet Dissident in New Life, by Associated Press, Wilkes-Barre Times Leader, the Evening News, Wilkes-Barre Record (Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania), November 16, 1978. 

470. Dissident’s Eyes Reveal His Courage, Chicago Tribune, Fort Lauderdale News (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), November 16, 1978.

471. London man back after 10 years in Soviet jails, by Michael Binyon, the Times, November 20, 1978. ​

472. Boukovsky nous dit... Propos recueillis, by Christian Descamps, La Quinzaine Littéraire, December 1-15, 1978. 

473. Fight for “freedom” jail, by Jack Crossley, the Observer (London, United Kingdom), March 11, 1979. 

474. Soviet Union Up Front, by Max MacNamee, Hartford Courant (Hartford, Connecticut), April 1, 1979. 

475. Dissent, by Jeremy Bernstein, the New Yorker magazine, April 30, 1979. 

476. On British Campus: Russian Dissident is Building New Life, by Associated Press, the Arizona Republic, November 14, 1978. 

477. “Cleansing” for Olympics, by Vladimir Bukovsky, the Observer (London, United Kingdom), November 18, 1979. 

478. Russian Prisoner “Free” To Study in U.S., by Associated Press, the Times, November 19, 1978. 

479. Boukovsky: ce n’est pas le système qu’il faut changer, c’est l’homme, by Richard Liscia, Les Nouvelles Littéraires (France), December 7, 1978. 

480. Soviet Dissident Unyielding in Beliefs, Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, New Mexico), December 17, 1978. 

481. Some Can’t Celebrate Christmas, by Bill Dickinson, Abbeville Herald (Abbevile, Alabama), December 21, 1978.

482. Interview with a dissident — Russia has soft U.S. off guard, Bukovsky fears, by Brynell Someville, The Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune (Chillicothe, Missouri), December 28, 1978. 

483. Лешек Колаковский, "Нет права на ненависть". Журнал "Посев", январь 1979.

484. Георгий Вадимов, "Лик моего народа? С процесса Александра Гинзбурга". Журнал "Посев", январь 1979.

485. В. Ламздорф, "О книге Владимира Осипова"Три отношения к родине"." Журнал "Посев", январь 1979.

486.Exiled Red dissenter now ‘convict on holiday’, by Victor Wilson, The Tampa Times (Tampa, Florida), January 30, 1979. 

487. Н. Елагин. "Непроизводительность умственного труда в СССР". Журнал "Посев", февраль 1979.

488. Г. Курилов. "Советское телевидение". Журнал "Посев", февраль 1979.

489. "Книга д-ра Тота о советских лагерях для иностранцев". Журнал "Посев", февраль 1979.

490. Et le vent reprend ses tours, by Vladimir Bukovsky, Lire magazine, February 1979. 

491. The lower depth: To Build A Castle reviewed by Jane Majeski, Chicago Tribune (Chicago, Illinois), February 4, 1979. 

492. Book of the week: Born a Russian. To Build A Castle reviewed by John Barkham, Victoria Advocate (Victoria, Texas), February 4, 1979. 

493. ‘Castle’ Views Life Of Russian Dissident, To Build A Castle reviewed by Nicholas Knezevich, The Pittsburgh Press (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), February 11, 1979. 

494. Soviet dissident tells why U.S. should agree to an arms treaty, by Mary McGrory, Washington Star, Tampa Bay Times (St. Petersburg, Florida), February 11, 1979. 

495. Arms control: absolute must for the world, by Mary McGrory, The Miami News (Miami, Florida) February 13, 1979. 

496. How Vladimir Bukovsky beat the Soviet System, by Raymond Nadeau, The Boston Globe (Boston, Massachusetts), February 25, 1979. 

497. A dissenter tells of life in the GULAG archipelago, by Robert M. Slusser, The Baltimore Sun (Baltimore, Maryland), February 25, 1979. 

498. Students back Russian rights, the Times, March 8, 1979.​

499. Where freedom lies behind bars, To Build A Castle reviewed by Barry Lewis, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, Australia), March 10, 1979. 

500. Fight for ‘freedom’ jail, by Jack Crossley, The Observer (London, UK), March 11, 1979. 

501. Repression with red lining: To Build A Castle reviewed by Anne Morrissett Davidson, The Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), March 11, 1979. 

502. The individual vs. a dictatorship: To Build A Castle reviewed by Margaret Torgersen, the New York Times Book Critic, Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), March 11, 1979. 

503. Obstinately UnSoviet: To Build A Castle reviewed by Edward J. Foote, Hartford Courant (Hartford, Connecticut), April 1, 1979. 

504. She Helped Free Son From Jail, by NEA, Rocky Mount Telegram (Rocky Mount, North Caroline), April 3, 1979. 

505. To Build A Castle review by John Bausman, Associated Press, the Daily Register (Shrewsbury, New Jersey), April 29, 1979. 

506. Dissident plea to IOC, Reuter, The Guardian (London, United Kingdom), April 18, 1979. 

507. Maverick hero: To Build A Castle reviewed by Joan Bunke, The Des Moines Register (Des Moines, Iowa), May 6, 1979. 

508. Russian dissenter relates story, by Phil Thomas, Associated Press Books Editor, Manitowoc Herald Times (Manitowoc, Wisconsin), May 6, 1979. 

509. Bukovsky builds Castle of Humanism: To Build A Castle reviewed by Joel Baer, Star Tribune (Minneapolis, Minnesota), May 6, 1979. 

510. To Build A Castle reviewed by Joel Baer, Star Tribune (Minneapolis, Minnesota), May 6, 1979. 

511. To Build A Castle reviewed by John Bausman, Associated Press, Honolulu Star-Bulletin (Honolulu, Hawaii), May 6, 1979. 

512. A Soviet Dissenter: To Build A Castle reviewed by Jacoba Atlas, The Daily Utah Chronicle (Salt Lake City, Utah), May 18, 1979. 

513. One Man’s Fight For Freedom, To Build A Castle reviewed by Sandy Rosenberg, The Charlotte Observer (Charlotte, North Carolina), May 20, 1979. 

514. Bright Soviet Teenager Saw System Riddled by Incompetence, by John Bausman, Associated Press, the Wichita Eagle Sun, May 20, 1979. 

515. Can One Teach "Political Literacy"? by Kenneth Minogue, Encounter magazine, June 1979.

516. Solzhenitsyn as a Russian Intellectual, by Richard Pipes, Encounter magazine, June 1979

517. Struggle for freedom that created a dissident, by Helen Frizell, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, Australia), July 16, 1979. 

518. Мальва Ланда, "Допустите комиссию ООН в лагерь!". Журнал "Посев", август 1979.

519.  А. Тенсон, "Пятидесятилетний юбилей Интуриста". Журнал "Посев", август 1979.

520. Red stain on the Olympics, the Times, August 24, 1979. ​

521. Dissenter tells of life in Russia: Surely they must be joking, by Ron Wilson, Longview News-Journal (Longview, Texas), August 26, 1979. 

522. From Yankee Imperialism to Russian Hegemony? by Raymond Aron, Encounter magazine, August 1979.

523. From Helsinki to Moscow, by Melvin J. Lasky, Encounter magazine, August 1979

524. Б. Евдокимов, "Отказываюсь лечиться в СССР". Журнал "Посев", сентябрь 1979.

525. Г. Юрьев, "С Максимовым по Австралии". Журнал "Посев", сентябрь 1979.

526.  Игорь Ефимов, "Вас много, а я одна". Журнал "Посев", сентябрь 1979.

527. Russian dissenter tells how he got that way. To Build A Caste reviewed by John Bausman, Associated Press, Hazleton Standard Speaker (Hazleton, Pennsylvania), September 24, 1979. 

528. How Russia breaks the rules of the Games, by Vladimir Bukovsky, October 2, 1979. ​

529. Роман Редлих, "Перезрелый социализм. О книге А. Авторханова "Сила и бессилие Брежнева". Журнал "Посев", октябрь 1979.

530. "Поездка Мондейла в Китай". Журнал "Посев", окт. 1979.

531. The Fifth Modernisation, by Wei Jingsheng, Encounter magazine, November 1979.

532.  The Case of Georgi Markov, by Kyrill Panoff, Encounter magazine, November 1979.

533. One Road to 1984, by George Watson, Encounter magazine, November 1979.

534. "Paris-Moscou", Censored, by Francois Fejto, Encounter magazine, November 1979.

535. Writers vs. Democracy, by Goronwy Rees, Encounter magazine, November 1979.

536. Dissident urges Olympic boycott, by Associated Press, Argus-Leader (Sioux Falls, South Dakota), November 6, 1979. 

537. "Новая волна репрессий", журнал "Посев", дек. 1979.

538.  Глеб Якунин, "Судьба России зависит от миссионерского подвига". Журнал "Посев", декабрь 1979.

539. "Вы сняли позор молчания с официальной Церкви: Переписка архиепископа Женевского и Западноевропейского Антония и о. Дмитрия Дудко". Журнал "Посев", декабрь 1979.

540. A Conversation with Milan Djilas, by George Urban, Encounter magazine, December 1979.

541. "1984": Can Europe Survive So Long? by Raymond Aron, Encounter magazine, January 1980.

542. Михаил Агурский, "Рациональное и иррациональное в советской политике". Журнал "Посев", январь 1980.

543. Владислав Краснов, "Внешнеполитическая стратегия профессора Ричарда Пайпса: анитсоветская или антирусская?". Журнал "Посев", январь 1980.

544. Ричард Пайпс: Я не знаю, сколько еше катаклизмов Россия должна будет испытать...". Журанл "Посев", январь 1980.

545. "Без свободной России нет свободного мира: беседа с руководителейм ФСР М.Н. Залевским. Журнал "Посев", январь 1980.

546. Student tells of police grilling at Warsaw airport, Belfast Telegraph (United Kingdom), January 9, 1980. 

547. Athletes split on Carter’s call for a boycott, Courier-Post (Camden, New Jersey), January 21, 1980. 

548. Athletes’ Reaction Is Mixed Concerning Carter Proposal, The Tampa Tribune (Tampa, Florida), January 21, 1980. 

549. Boycott Joined By Dissidents, by Associated Press, The Town Talk (Alexandria, Louisiana), January 30, 1980. 

550. Dissidents appeal to world to shun Moscow Games, by Associated Press - UPI, The Gazette (Montreal, Quebec, Canada), January 31, 1980.

551. Exiled Dissident Predicts: Sakharov Will Remain An Active Leader, by UPI, The Times Argus (Barre, Vermont), January 31, 1980. 

552. А. Авторханов, "Стратегичские расчеты Брежнева". Журнал "Посев", февраль 1980.

553. А. Югов, "Афганистан и советская пресса". Журнал "Посев", февраль 1980.

554. "Ссылка Сахарова". Журнал "Посев", февраль 1980.

555.  М. Славинский, "Французские коммунисты - на выручку Брежнева". Журнал "Посев", февраль 1980.

556. "Демонстрация в Бонне". Журнал "Посев", фев. 1980. 

557.  "Французский ПЕН-клуб в зашиту писателей-политзаключенных. Журнал "Посев", февраль 1980.

558. Ali, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (St. Louis, Missouri), February 4, 1980. 

559. Three against Games, Longview Daily News (Longview, Washington), February 4, 1980. 

560. Support Rally, Says MP, Long Eaton Advertiser (United Kingdom), February 7, 1980. 

561. Bukovsky: A Graduate Of The GULAG, by Mary Blume, The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California), February 10, 1980. 

562. Russia breaks the rules of the Games, by Newman Rosenthal, The Age (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia), February 19, 1980. 

563. Stifled Voice of Liberty, by Margaret Jones, The Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia), February 22, 1980. 

564. Андрей Амальрик, "Как я воевал с американскими евреями", Журнал "Москва-Иерусалим", март 1980.

565. Александр Либин, "С кем воюет Андрей Амальрик", Журнал "Москва-Иерусалим", март 1980.

566. Наум Коржавин, "На путях к элитности (этюд об освободившихся), Журнал "Москва-Иерусалим" март 1980.

567. Sources of American Confusion, by Alain Besancon, Encounter magazine, June 1980.

568. Comment on perd une bataille, by Vladimir Bukovsky and Edouard Kouznetzov, Art Press magazine, March 1980. 

569. Наталья Солженицына, "К аресту Мальвы Ланды". Журнал "Посев", апрель 1980.

570. "Еще о бактериологической катастрофе в Свердловске". Журнал "Посев", апрель 1980. 

571. Михаил Михайлов, "От демократического движения - к демократическому государтву". Журнал "Посев", апрель 1980. 

572.  The Case of General Grigorenko, by Walter Reich, Encounter magazine, April 1980.

573.  Shock Therapy and My First Tooth, by Varlam Shalamov, Encounter magazine, April 1980.

574.  The Kremlin and the Gulf, by J. B. Kelly, Encounter magazine, April 1980.

575. Александр Солженицын, "Брежнев не выдерживает глаз священника". Журнал "Посев", май 1980.

576.  Беседа с Эрнстом Неизвестным. Журнал "Посев", май 1980.

577.  Н. Елагин, "О причинах неблагополучия в науке". Журнал "Посев", май 1980.

578. "Для едуших на Олимпиаду Москва-80". Журнал "Посев", июнь 1980. 

579.  Ю. Киселев, В. Фефелов, О. Зайцева, "Родителям жертв войны в Афганистане". Журнал "Посев", июнь 1980.

580.  "Война в Афганистане: Беседа с полковником М. В. Гардером". Журнал "Посев", июнь 1980.

581.  В. Мышкин, "Как учат молодых рабочих". Журнал "Посев", июнь 1980.

582. Н. Рутыч, "Афганистан и Россия". Журнал "Посев", май '80.

583. The View from East of Eden, by Alain Besancon, Encounter magazine, June 1980. 

584. To Build A Castle reviewed by John Romjue, Daily Press (Newport News, Virginia), June 29, 1980. 

585.  Юлия Вознесенская, "Ленинград предолимпийский". Журнал "Посев", июль 1980.

586. "Забастовки в Тольятти и Горьком". Журнал "Посев", июль 1980.

587. Е. Вагин, "Марксистские истоки психиатрического террора". Журнал "Посев", июль 1980.

588. Dissident Urges Talks Postponed, by UPI, The Tribune (Scranton, Pennsylvania), July 5, 1980. 

589. Bukovsky speaks in Spain: Soviet dissident urges East-West talks be scrubbed, by UPI, The Galveston Daily News (Galveston, Texas), July 5, 1980. 

690. Holland Music Festival, The Stage (United Kingdom), July 17, 1980.

591. Fake Paper Announces Soviet Coup, The Daily Oklahoman Sun (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma), July 27, 1980. 

592. "Война в Афганистане: Военный и политический пат". Журнал "Посев", август 1980.

593. Интервью В. Корчного. Журнал "Посев", август 1980.

594. Egocentrism: Is the American Character Changing? by David Riesman, Encounter magazine, August - September 1980.

595. The Day of the Kabul Rising, by Andreas Kohlschuetter, Encounter magazine, August - September 1980.

596. ‘New Soviet Man’ Still an Enigma To Leaders, Foreigners, Himself, by Dan Fisher, L.A. Times Service, Hartford Courant (Hartford, Connecticut), September 12, 1980. 

597. Soviet Dissident for Aberdeen, Aberdeen Evening Express, September 17, 1980. 

598. Интервью Леха Валенсы немецкому телевидению. Журнал "Посев", октябрь 1980.

599. "Суд над Глебом Якуниным". Журнал "Посев", окт. 1980.

600. "Осуждена Татьяна Великанова". Журнал "Посев", октябрь 1980.

601. "Прекратить кровопролитие в Афганистане! Обращение независимого женского клуба "Мария"." Журнал "Посев", октябрь 1980.

602. "Я не понимаю, чего они хотят от Афганистана: свидетельство афганского беженца". Журнал "Посев", октябрь 1980.

603. А. Шифрин, "Лагреря уничтожения в СССР - 1980". Журнал "Посев", октябрь 1980.

604. Dissident Gives Grim Warning, Aberdeen Press and Journal (United Kingdom), October 25, 1980. 

605. Le mouvement pour la defense des droits civils, by Vladimir Boukovski, Presence Liberale magazine (France), November 1980. 

606. Numbers, by Councillor George a. Whyte, Aberdeen Press and Journal (United Kingdom), November 6, 1980. 

607. Lending to communist nations: The $70 billion dilemma spotlighted by Polands' crisis, Time, December 1, 1980.

608. The Devil in History: A Conversation, by Leszek Kolakowski and George Urban, Encounter magazine, January 1981.

609. Arguing About War and Peace, by Alun Chalfont, Encounter magazine, January 1981. 

610. Problems du statut des détenus politiques, by Vladimir Bukovsky, Le Débat magazine (France), January 1981. 

611. The Devil in History: A Conversation, by Leszek Kolakowski and George Urban, Encounter magazine, January 1981.

612. Arguing About War and Peace, by Alun Chalfont, Encounter magazine, January 1981.

613. Worse even than hunger, a life of liberty denied, by Lord Chalfont, the Times, January 5, 1981. ​

614. В. Белоцерковский, "Почему советские рабочие пассивнее польских?", Журнал "Москва-Иерусалим", январь-февраль 1981.

615. "Посвящается Юрию Галанскову", Автор: Е. Вагин, журнал "Вече", март 1981. 

616. "Убийство Юри Кукка". Журнал "Посев", апрель 1981.

617. "Война в Афганистане: На полях сражений". Журнал "Посев", апрель 1981.

618. Ю. Вознесенская, "Женское движение в Росси". Журнал "Посев", апрель 1981.

619. Zbigniew Brzezinski and George Urban: A Conversation in Washington, Encounter magazine, May 1981. 

620. Resolving the Polish Dilemma, by Tadeusz Szafar, Encounter magazine, May 1981.

621. Andrei Sakharov: a tribute by Vladimir Bukovsky, the Times, May 21, 1981.​

622. Radios could link Afghan rebels, by Walter Schwarz, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), July 1, 1981.  

623. Shortcomings of American Patriotism: Do We Merit Democracy? To Build A Castle reviewed by Corinne Jude, The Daily Advertiser (Lafayette, Louisiana), July 5, 1981. 

624. Dictatorship over the proletariat, by Vladimir Bukovsky, the Times, July 9, 1981. ​

625. Siquiatra y politica en Cuba, by Roberto Valero, El Miami Herald (Miami, Florida), July 12, 1981. 

626. Crossing borders: A film essay by Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky who “crossed borders” into the West in 1976. He attempts to weigh up the quality of life and freedoms enjoyed (or not) on both sides of the Iron Curtain, the Observer (London, United Kingdom), July 12, 1981. 

627. The So-Called "Military Coup" of 1968 by Hugh Cudlipp, Encounter magazine, September 1981.

628. Old Promises, New Ideas, by Raymond Aron, Encounter magazine, September 1981. 

629. Why Study Russian? by Z. A. B. Zeman, Encounter magazine, September 1981.

630. The Communist Phenomenon, by Max Beloff, Encounter magazine, September 1981. 

631."Detente": A Semantic Post-Mortem, by High Ragsdale, Encounter magazine, September 1981. 

632. "Новый приговор Анатолию Марченко". Журнал "Посев", октябрь 1981.

633. Обращение "Солидарности" к трудяшимя Восточной Европы. Журнал "Посев", октябрь 1981.

634. Корчной, Виктор. "На Филиппинах в 1978 году". Журнал "Посев", октябрь 1981.

635. Behind the red flag, by Vladimir Bukovsky, the Times, October 15, 1981. ​

636. Bukovsky’s Own Story, Radio Times magazine (United Kingdom), September 26 - October 2, 1981. 

637. A Letter from Yugoslavia, by Nora Beloff, Encounter magazine, October 1981. 

638. Vladimir Boukovsky: "Y-a-t-il quelqu’un dans la salle qui ne soit pas le candidat due Moscou?", by Philippe Muray, Art Press magazine (France), October 1981. 

639. Brezhnev’s Bonn Trip Sparks Protest, by Reuter, Edmonton Journal (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), November 23, 1981. 

640. Fury in Bonn: Protests Mark Visit of Soviet Leader, Aberdeen Press and Journal (United Kingdom), November 23, 1981. 

641. Two Soviet dissidents, Vladimir Maximov and Vladimir Bukovsky, were among 20,000 people demonstrating in Bonn yesterday against the Russian invasion of Afghanistan, The Guardian (London, UK), November 23, 1981. 

642. Н. Коржавин, "Черные полковники и пафос сталинщины". Журнал "Посев", декабрь 1980.

643. "Гибель А. А. Амальрика". Журнал "Посев", дек. 1980.

644. "Пятидесятилетие В. Е. Максимова". Журнал "Посев", декабрь 1980.

645. Better red than dead is not good enough, by Vladimir Bukovsky, the Times, December 4, 1981. ​

646. The Women’s Camp, by Shusha Guppy, The Observer (London, UK), December 13, 1981. 

647. Bukovsky View, by David Markham, The Times, December 14, 1981. ​

648. "Последнее слово Анатолия Марченко". Журнал "Посев", январь 1982.

649. "Лагеря в Ставропольском крае". Журнал "Посев", январь 1982.
650.  И. А. Ильин, "О национализме и сверхнационализме", Журнал "Посев", январь 1982.

651.  А. Солженицын, "Польские события: Главный урок". Журнал "Посев", февраль 1982. 

652.   Ян Влох, "Итальянская компартия и события в Польше". Журнал "Посев", февраль 1982.

653.  А. Левитин-Краснов, "Черная сотня против Почаевской лавры". Журнал "Посев", февраль 1982.

654. Soviet foes boost ‘Radio Free Kabul’, by Associated Press, Clarion-Ledger (Jackson, Mississippi), March 4, 1982. 

655. Afghan rebel stations aim at Red Army, Associated Press, The San Francisco Examiner (San Francisco, California), March 4, 1982. 

656. Afghans beam radio at Russians, by Associated Press, Green Bay Press-Gazette (Green Bay, Wisconsin), March 4, 1982. 

657. Radio Beams Politics to Afghans, by Associated Press, Daily Press (Newport News, Virginia), March 4, 1982. 

658. Afghan rebels broadcast to Russ troops, by Associated Press, Spokane Chronicle (Spokane, Washington), March 5, 1982. 

659. Afghans broadcasting to sap Soviets’ morale, by UPI, The Miami Herald (Miami, Florida), March 5, 1982. 

660. Afghan rebels compare Soviets to Nazis in radio broadcasts, by UPI, Pacific Daily News (Agana Heights, Guam), March 5, 1982. 

661. "Литовское КГБ убивает священников". Журнал "Посев", апрель 1982.

662. Bukovsky in Geneva, Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), April 4, 1982. 

663. Sanctions on Soviets urged, by Associated Press, The Central New Jersey Home News (New Brunswick, New Jersey), April 13, 1982. 

664. Sanctions Against Russia Urged, by Associated Press, The Daily Journal (Vineland, New Jersey), April 13, 1982. 

665. People in the news: Vladimir Bukovsky, The Herald-news (Passaic, New Jersey), April 13, 1982. 

666. А. Солженицын, "Скоро все увидим без телевизора". Журнал "Посев", май 1982.

667. "Неонацистсксая демонстрация в Москве". Журнал "Посев", май 1982.

668. "Московские впечатления зарубежного епископа". Журнал "Посев", май 1982.

669. Борис Вайль, "Книга в советской идеолгии". Журнал "Посев", май 1982.

670. Peace, war and Billy Graham, by Joseph Sobran, The Des Moines Register (Des Moines, Iowa), May 15, 1982. 

671. ‘Peace’ A La Moscow, by Joseph Sobran, Carlsbad Current-Argus (Carlsbad, New Mexico), May 16, 1982. 

672. А. Солженицын, "Письмо президенту  США Рональду Рейгану". Журнал "Посев", июнь 1982.

673. Une interview de Vladimir Boukovsky. Il faut serrer la vis a Moscou, by Eugene Silianoff, Paris Match, June 18, 1982.

674. Lesson for the President, Liverpool Echo, June 12, 1982. 

675. Plot behind peace movement, by Vladimir Bukovsky, Chicago Tribune, August 2, 1982. 

676. The Nuclear-Freeze Insanity, by Robert Webb, The Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati, Ohio), August 8, 1982. 

677. "СССР ограничивает телефонную связь с Западом". Журнал "Посев", сентяберь 1982.

678. С. Вороницын. "Эмбарго США и технологическая 

зависимость СССР от Запада". Журнал "Посев", сент. 1982.

679. М. Назаров, "О духовных истоках "Солидарности".". Журнал "Посев", сентябрь 1982. 

680. Reagan was right about two’s behind nuclear freeze movement, by Patrick J. Buchanan, News-Journal (Mansfield, Ohio), October 14, 1982. 

681. Soviets play an obvious role in nuclear freeze proposal, by Patrick Buchanan, syndicated columnist based in Washington, D.C., News-Press (Fort Myers, Florida), October 14, 1982. 

682. Only Idiots Fail To See Communist Plot, by Charley Reese, Logansport Pharos-Tribune (Logansport, Indiana), October 28,1982. 

683. В. Рыбаков. "Польша осенью: новые волнения". Журнал "Посев", ноябрь 1982.

684. Юрий Галансков, "Мысли об НТС". Журнал "Посев", ноябрь 1982. 

685.  А. Тенсон, "Автомобиль в СССР: роскошь или средство передвижения?". Журнал "Посев", ноябрь 1982.

686. Н. Васильев, "Сдвиги в национальной структуре населения СССР". Журнал "Посев", ноябрь 1982. 

687. Ultra-liberals repeat scare tactics, by Charley Reese, Syndicated Columnist, Pensacola News Journal (Pensacola, Florida), November 5, 1982. 

688. Dissident terms Andropov ‘more ruthless than Stalin’, by United Press International, The Arizona Republic (Phoenix, Arizona), November 15, 1982. 

689. Soviet experts differ on policy changes, by United Press International, South Florida Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Florida), November 15, 1982. 

690. Rebel calls Andropov ruthless, by Associated Press, Corvallis Gazette-Times (Corvallis, Oregon), November 16, 1982. 

691.Andropov: No One Is Sure Of His Policy, by UPI, The Daily News (Lebanon, Pennsylvania), November 16, 1982. 

692. The New Boss: Soviet Party Chief Yuri Andropov, Newsweek, November 22, 1982. 

693. А. Авторханов, "О некоторых аспектах освободительного движенния". Журнал "Посев", дек. 1982.

694. Интервью с Юрием Кублановским. Журнал "Посев", декабрь 1982.

695. Where’s proof nuclear freeze is Soviet-inspired?, by David S. Roberts, The Des Moines Register (Des Moines, Iowa), Dec 2, 1982. 

696. Canada may block move to expel Soviet psychiatrists, by David Frum, National Post (Torotno, Ontario, Canada), January 1, 1983.

697.  Writer’s plight, the Times, January 14, 1983. ​

698. В. Рыбаков, "Беседа с бывшим советском солдатом А. Захаровым: Буду здесь жить, будет у меня семья". Журнал "Посев", февраль 1983.

699. "Ассоциация за свободную Россию в Англии: Николай Толстой, лорд Николас Бетелл, Владимир Буковский, Александр Гинзбург, Владимир Максимов, Сергей Солдатов, Аркадий Столыпин и 14 членов британского парламента". Журнал "Посев", февраль  1983.

700. Reagan Knows Peace Depends on Strength, Chris Ford in Readers’ Views, The Cincinnati Enquirer (Cincinnati, Ohio), February 20, 1983. 

701. "Суд над Ириной Ратушинской". Журнал "Посев", апрель 1983.

702. А. Ковенский, "Место службы - Афганистан". Журнал "Посев", апрель 1983.

703.  "Сто дней Андропова: Беседа с А. А. Авторхановым". Журнал "Посев", апрель 1983.

704. С. Солдатов, "О заговоре офицеров Балтийского флота". Журнал "Посев", апрель 1983.

705. Лешек Колаковский, "Нужно ли метафизическое обоснование свободы?" Журнал "Посев", апрель 1983. 

706. "Памяти друзей: В.Я. Тарсис". Журнал "Посев", апрель 1983.

707. Vladimir Bukovsky Visits Church in Indianapolis, The Indianapolis Star (Indianapolis, Indiana), April 18, 1983. 

708. To build castles - in prison, by Harvey Jacobs, The Indianapolis News (Indianapolis, Indiana), April 21, 1983.

709. Письмо политзаключенных папе Ионанну-Павлу II. Журнал "Посев", май 1983.

710. Юрий Фельштинский, "Как читать советских историков". Журнал "Посев", май 1983.

711. Who will volunteer to fight? By John Chamberlain, King Features Syndicate, the Park City Daily News (Bowling Green, Kentucky), May 30, 1983. 

712.  After Twenty-Two Years in Prison: Armando Valladares Interview, Encounter magazine, June 1983.

713. "Гершуни и Скобов отправлены в психотюрьму". Журнал "Посев", июнь 1983.

714. "Французский удар по советскому шпионажу". Журнал "Посев", июнь 1983. 

715. Глеб Рар, "Солженицынские дни в Лондоне". Журнал "Посев" июнь 1983.

716. Who would volunteer to do the fighting?, by John Chamberlain, The Daily American (Somerset, Pennsylvania), June 3, 1983. 

717. Entretien avec Vladimir Boukovski: au hasard des rues cette saveur de la liberte, France Catholique newspaper, June 17, 1983.

718. Socialism East and West, by Vladimir Bukovsky, Quadrant, July 1983

719. "18 мая в Париже состоялся торжественный митинг по поводу создания Интернационала Сопротивления". Журнал "Посев", июль 1983.

720. Б. Ларионова, "Война в Афганистане" Если родные начнут выяснять..." Журнал "Посев", июль 1983.

721. "Разгромлено ли в СССР правозашитное движение?". Журнал "Посев", июль 1983.

722. А. Югов, "Четрые причины ухудшения экономики СССР". Журнал "Посев", июль 1983.

723. Валерий Фефелов, "Мера гуманности "развитого социализма"." Журнал "Посев", июль 1983.

724. О. Поляков, "Будет ли русский народ каяться?". Журнал "Посев", июль 1983.

725.  Владимир Самарин, "Записки Русской академической группы в США". Журнал "Посев". июль 1983.

726. "Обращение Комитета Спасения советских пленных в Афганистане". Журнал "Посев", июль 1983.

727. "Баптисты: успехи и потери". Журнал "Посев", авг. 1983.

728. "В Латвии растет национално-пацифистское движение". Журнал "Посев", август 1983.

729. "Положение в психотюрьмах". Журнал "Посев", август 1983.

730. А. Сахаров, "Опасность термоядерной войны". Журнал "Посев", август 1983.

731. А. Авторханов, "Андропов и его правление". Журнал 

"Посев", август 1983. 

732.  Ю. Кублановский, "Добро и зло в современной литературе". Журнал "Посев", август 1983.

733. "Кончина Вадима Делоне". Журнал "Посев", август 1983.

734. ‘Hello, Sucker’, Editorial, The Star Press (Muncie, Indiana), September 1, 1983. 

735. "Расстрел южнокорейского самолета". Журнал "Посев", октябрь 1983.

736. Do the Americans Have a Foreign Policy? by Jeane Kirkpatrick with George Urban, Encounter magazine, November 1983. 

737. No "Peace Movement " in France? by Wilfried Wiegand, Encounter magazine, November 1983.

738. Brown Shirts and Red Faces, by Joachim Fest, Encounter magazine, November 1983.

739. Comrade Andropov's  Basic Problem, by Leo Wieland, Encounter magazine, November 1983. 

740. Footnotes to War and Peace, by Melvin J. Lasky, Encounter magazine, November 1983. 

741."Аварии на подводных лодках". Журнал "Посев", декабрь 1983.

742. "Страницы истории: Покорение голодом". Журнал "Посев", декабрь 1983.

743. "Борются ли против алкоголизма в СССР?". Журнал "Посев", декабрь 1983. 

744. Mr. Vladimir Bukovsky, the Russian dissident now living in the West, received undisclosed damages and costs in an agreed settlement in a libel action, it was stated in the High Court yesterday. The Guardian (London, UK), December 20, 1983. 

745. Guardian sued, the Times, December 20, 1983.​

746. At 73 Reagan still hammers the Reds, by Harold Jackson, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), February 7, 1984. 

747. The Dissident as a Soviet Man: George Urban in a Long Interview with Alexander Zinoviev, Encounter magazine, Apr 1984. 

748. Read and Listen, Liverpool Echo (United Kingdom), April 3, 1984. 

 749. The 11 who would be really free: The Solidarity 11, awaiting trial in Rakowiecka jail have been branded dangerous revolutionaries, by Roger Boyes, the Times, May 21, 1984. ​

750. Arens wants PLO offices closed, by Associated Press, Star Phoenix (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada), June 27, 1984. 

751. Plight of the Dissidents, by Ellen Hale, Gannett News Service, the Burlington Free Press (Burlington, Vermont), July 22, 1984. 

752. Some crazy ‘golden rules’, Editorial, News-Journal (Mansfield, Ohio), September 23, 1984. 

753. Dissident denounces freeze movement, by Bill Brewer, UPI, The Dispatch (Moline, Illinois), September 29, 1984. 

754. Collapsing The Soviet Union From Within, by Richard A. Viguerie, The Rayne Acadian-Tribune (Rayne, Louisiana), September 30, 1984. 

755. Without ever firing a shot, by Richard Viguerie, The Messenger (Madisonville, Kentucky), October 6, 1984. (An article on Soviet POW release efforts by Resistance International). 

756. Plan to smuggle books into Soviet criticized, by Associated Press, The Miami Herald (Miami, Florida), November 6, 1984. 

757. Birthday people, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), December 29, 1984. 

758. Soviet defectors, by Vladimir Bukovsky, the Times, January 5, 1985. ​

759. Soviet defectors, by Count Nikolai Tolstoy, the Times, January 18, 1985. ​

760. Overtaking the Thatcherites on the Right, by Nigel Hawkes, the Observer (London, United Kingdom), March 24, 1985. 

761. The battle of Bush House, by Michael Simmons, the Guardian (London, United Kingdom), May 13, 1985. 

762. In Finland Hold Anti-Soviet Protest On Human Rights, by Associated Press, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (St. Louis, Missouri), July 29, 1985.&